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This ain't' no Ordinary Product Release!

It’s breakthrough and game-changing for Biden’s SBOM and customers’ IoT Edge security and deployment challenges. This week the Device Authority team is proud to be releasing KeyScaler 7.0. This has been a seismic achievement, adding breakthrough features based on customer demand, as we advance our Product Led Growth Strategy to solve the Zero Trust for IoT security challenges. Device Authority’s breakthrough KeyScaler 7.0 release includes advanced Edge and SBOM capabilities.

How To Hide API Keys, Credentials and Authentication Tokens on Github

Back in 2018, GitHub celebrated 100 million open source repositories, and it has only been growing since then. How can you make sure your sensitive credentials and authentication tokens aren’t exposed to access by the public? Read this blogpost to learn how to save your API keys and other important data from being disclosed.

7 Steps to Identifying and Fighting Cyber Crime for your Business

Cybersecurity is at the forefront as technology sees increasing adoption across multiple industry verticals. Organizations must prevent and fight cyber crime, but it can take over 200 days to detect a breach for many. This time frame increases the possible consequences of the breach and gives cybercriminals an opportunity to move laterally to other systems and exfiltrate the information they need. Once stolen, they may sell it to other cybercriminals who can use it for more nefarious means.

Mobile device DNA: what is and why should your MFA solution have it?

Multi-factor authentication adoption is booming. Regulatory pressures from different global initiatives, combined with companies making it a prerequisite to use their services and the rise in implementing the zero-trust model, have increased spending on this solution. The MFA market is estimated to be worth $12.9 billion and is expected to reach $26.7 billion by 2027, with an annual growth rate of 15.6% from 2022 to 2027.

Is My Phone Hacked? Here's How You Can Tell and What to Do

In today’s digital world, we rely on our mobile devices to navigate much of our daily lives. Beyond making calls and sending text messages, we use our phones for online shopping, banking, work, personal reminders, photos, videos, and so much more. While this technology offers great possibilities and convenience, it also can put your personal data at risk.

How CrowdStrike Detects Cloud Storage Misconfigurations to Protect Valuable Data

Cloud storage misconfigurations continue to become more prevalent and problematic for organizations as they expand their cloud infrastructure, driving the importance of technologies such as cloud security posture management (CSPM) as crucial tools for protectors everywhere. Consider the recently reported public exposure of data associated with some Microsoft customers and prospects.

Cloud security fundamentals part 5: measure what matters

Many security engineers have woken up to dozens of Slack messages and emails telling them the day they dreaded is here: a vulnerability has been deployed, and now it must be fixed. Meetings and plans are abandoned while security engineers rush to fix the problem. It’s often a process failure that has led to the now-urgent issue. And these emergency issues can appear across a spectrum that includes all types of remediation efforts.