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Custom and variant licenses: What's in the fine print?

See examples of custom and variant licenses and how Black Duck Audits flag these licenses to help legal teams evaluate software risk. An open source audit reveals much about modern software. A thorough one will draw attention to license issues that go beyond typical open source license conflicts. The baseline finding of an audit is a complete, accurate software Bill of Materials (SBOM) of open source and third-party software in the code.

Impact of Cloud-based Platforms on School Security

Managing a learning environment is no longer limited to lessons in reading or arithmetic, physical education, or art and music. Today's education administrators are challenged with security risks, emergency responses, and dealing with incidents. Together with fostering a positive learning environment, they must also ensure the optimization of security protocols and the safety of staff and students.

Importance And Benefits Of Cloud-Based Security Systems

The cloud security software market size is currently at 29 billion. Do you want to learn why cloud-based security systems are becoming increasingly popular? Cloud-based security systems provide more agile security and convenience and enable businesses to get more out of their security investments. Keep reading to learn about the importance and benefits of cloud-based security systems.

Scalable, Faster, Cheaper - Pick All for Azure Protection

Rubrik allows customers to protect their workloads like VMs, Disks, and SQL instances running on Azure. We have customers who protect a large number of Azure subscriptions through our SaaS product. We offer features like File-Level Recovery to allow customers to make faster recoveries and Storage Tiering to save on storage costs associated with the backups. To support these features, we run compute in the customer’s environment to read the data from Azure Disk snapshots.

Configure the API Credentials File on Windows

In this video, you will learn how to generate Veracode API credentials in the Veracode Platform and configure an API credentials file for storing your API credentials on Windows. Veracode API credentials consist of an ID and secret key. You use these credentials to access the Veracode APIs and Veracode integrations. API ID and key authentication provides improved security and session management for accessing the APIs.

CSPM - Least privilege principle in practice

Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) aims to automate the identification and remediation of risks across your entire cloud infrastructure. A core requirement of the CSPM framework is the need to enforce a principle of least privilege. There are certain overlaps with Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) solutions. CIEM is a newer categorization that came after CSPM.

Shifting Left with the Crowdstrike and AWS CI/CD Pipeline

CI/CD combines the practices of continuous integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) to allow DevOps teams to deliver code updates frequently, reliably, and quickly. CI/CD emphasizes automation throughout the development lifecycle (Buid, Test, Deploy). By replacing the manual efforts of traditional development, code releases can happen more frequently, and with less bugs and security vulnerabilities. At CrowdStrike, we focus on integrating security into the CI/CD pipeline. As part of the functionality of CrowdStrike’s Falcon Cloud Workload Protection (CWP), customers have the ability to create verified image policies to ensure that only approved images are allowed to progress through the CI/CD pipeline and run in their hosts or Kubernetes clusters.

Integrating Dependency Management Into Cloud Services: The Mend-AWS Partnership

The ongoing growth in the adoption of cloud services poses escalating opportunities and risks in equal measure. The increased capacity and scalability of cloud environment lends itself to an accelerated pace and higher volume of software and application development than ever before. This trend brings into play a huge increase in the number of software components and dependencies that developers use in their code bases.