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Refrain From Downloading These Top Grossing Malicious Apps on Google Play

Google Play is every Android’s first go-to option for downloading apps. However, even this ever-famous application portal isn’t free from malicious apps directed toward conning the installers. A renowned security firm, Malwarebytes Labs, has warned users against downloading and using these top four applications, which have collectively garnered 1 million downloads. Per the security researchers at the firm, these apps hide Trojans, which serve adware and direct users to phishing sites.

How to Modernize Access Control for Cloud Applications with Or Weis

Building Modern Access Control for Cloud Applications Join us in this livestream with CEO Or Weis as we cover what it means to build modern access controls for cloud applications. Many companies these days find themselves having to reimplement access-controls over and over; therefore, in this episode we discuss solutions, the 5 best practices and open-source tools that can be used. Didn't catch the live stream? Ask all of your Snyk questions and we’ll do our very best to answer them in the comment section.

What Is An IoT Device Security Platform? A Guide to What To Look For When Choosing An Enterprise Solution

As the number of IoT devices grows, predicted “to reach 27 billion or more by 2025 (IDC, IoT Analytics)”, so does the need for IoT device management companies and security solutions. While there are many benefits to the IoT, there are also security risks that come along with it. Gartner estimates that “75% of security failures will result from inadequate management of identities, access, and privileges” by 2023.

Defending Against Cloud Security Threats: Breaking Down Initial Access Techniques

As organizations continue to move their business operations into the cloud, the expanded attack surface generated by the “digital transformation” continues to present new opportunities for threat actors. Luckily, strategies to mitigate these new risks do exist and, as always, these center around the techniques and tactics of the adversaries.

How to deal with ransomware on Azure

Let’s dig deeper into the techniques used by attackers and the mitigations you should implement when ransomware on Azure affects you. By now, we should all be aware of ransomware from the constant news articles associated with this known threat. As we explained in the anatomy of a cloud attacks, ransomware is a way for attackers to make money when they gain control of your accounts through data encryption, therefore restricting your access to the system.

IoT Device Lifecycle Management: A Comprehensive Guide for IT Managers

IoT device lifecycle management is the process of managing the entire life cycle of an IoT device, from conception and design to manufacturing and distribution, to installation and eventual decommissioning. The goal of IoT device lifecycle management is to ensure that devices are properly managed throughout their lifespan to maximise their operational efficiency and longevity.

Salt: Securing your innovation

Salt Security protects the APIs that form the core of every modern application. Its patented API Protection Platform is the only API security solution that combines the power of cloud-scale big data and time-tested ML/AI to detect and prevent API attacks. By correlating activities across millions of APIs and users over time, Salt delivers deep context with real-time analysis and continuous insights for API discovery, attack prevention, and shift-left practices.

What Is Cloud Detection and Response and Why Do You Need It?

Cloud adoption is vastly increasing. Right now, 9o% of businesses are using or plan to use a multi-cloud environment. While the cloud, which refers to internet-accessed servers that are not directly managed by the business, can help organizations scale in a cost-effective manner, they also create new cybersecurity risks.

Supply Chain Security for Open Source: Pyrsia at CD Summit and KubeCon 2022

I was super excited to be at Kubecon+CloudNativeCon this year. Kubecon has managed to build a great community that goes beyond Kubernetes and has been a good catalyst in bringing together people passionate about OpenSource. Kubecon also has attracted a lot of interest due to the quality of sessions, the number of co-located events, and the opportunity to connect with peers, partners and friends.