Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in the United States - iOS & Android

Over 4 million mobile apps (Android and iOS combined) are available to download. A majority of those apps store and process confidential user information such as contact number, email, age, gender, banking details, etc. No wonder mobile apps are one of the most lucrative and sought-after targets for hackers, and app fraud volumes are expected to double by 2026.

GitGuardian vs. Custom-Built Secrets Detection Tools

DIY or open-source secrets detection can seem cost-effective and customizable initially... until you start hitting the first obstacles like scalability, developer experience (DX), or deep application security expertise. Read on to find out how GitGuardian can help you rise above these!

5 cyber threats that criminals can generate with the help of ChatGPT

ChatGPT, the public generative AI that came out in late November 2022, has raised legitimate concerns about its potential to amplify the severity and complexity of cyberthreats. In fact, as soon as OpenAI announced its release many security experts predicted that it would only be a matter of time before attackers started using this AI chatbot to craft malware or even augment phishing attacks.

Visualize activity in your Google Cloud environment with Datadog Cloud SIEM Investigator

Cloud environments, in all their dynamic complexity, demand careful monitoring by DevOps and security teams. But the sheer abundance of telemetry data associated with the thousands of resources, users, and roles that comprise these environments can make monitoring a formidable task, causing security risks and other issues to be all too easily overlooked.

Netskope Modern DLP

"Netskope Modern DLP" sounds good. Description: Hybrid work and the upsurge in cloud adoption demand an updated approach to data protection, one that ensures your sensitive data stays protected anywhere it goes with high precision. Netskope modern data loss prevention (DLP) provides the highest degree of data protection efficacy, powered by machine learning, and is delivered from the cloud across all cloud services, all business communications and everywhere your users are.

CrowdStrike's Artificial Intelligence Tooling Uses Similarity Search to Analyze Script-Based Malware Attack Techniques

According to the AV-TEST Institute, more than 1 billion strains of malware have been created, and more than 500,00 new pieces of malware are detected every day. One of the main reasons for this rapid growth is that malware creators frequently reuse source code. They modify existing malware to meet the specific objectives of an attack campaign or to avoid signature-based detection.

Latest Salt Accolades - Customer Award + Cyber 66

I’m excited to share the latest evidence of Salt leadership in API security, with two powerful tributes. First – Salt Security has been honored as winning the “Peace of Mind” category during the first-ever Ally Technology Partner Awards! Ally Financial, the nation’s largest digital-only bank and leading auto finance company, highlighted five suppliers for their outstanding service excellence across a broad array of criteria.