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What Is DNS Spoofing and How Can You Prevent It?

Have you ever typed in a website’s address and ended up somewhere completely different? Or received emails from what appears to be a familiar company, but with suspicious links that lead to unfamiliar pages? These scenarios may be the result of DNS spoofing, a type of cyber-attack that can leave your sensitive information vulnerable. In this blog post, we’ll dive into what DNS spoofing is, how it works, who is at risk, and most importantly – how you can prevent it.

10 Reasons why businesses need mobile device management (MDM)

Mobile device management (MDM) refers to a type of software that allows businesses to manage, configure and secure mobile devices used by their employees. Companies use MDM solutions to maintain a secure environment across all the mobile devices they own or have access to, as well as provide features such as remote wipe, password policies, application management and data protection. This helps them ensure security while providing their employees with access to the applications and data they need.

Using Workflow Actions & OSINT for Threat Hunting in Splunk

Picture yourself, a threat hunter using Splunk, and the words "workflow action" are uttered by your helpful security Splunker... Workflow actions make you a faster and more effective security analyst. They allow you to skip the laborious steps of logging into various websites to do your job and just get straight to business.

Recap: Stress-Free Security for Devs and Ops on AWS

Snyk recently hosted a half-day virtual event focused on security for application workloads running on AWS (you can catch it on demand here). The event was broken into six sessions spanning topics like developer challenges in cloud-native AppDev, top vulnerabilities from last year, hands-on workshops with industry-leading technology vendors, and several other subjects that help enable engineering and security teams to build a successful DevSecOps workflow.

Fake ChatGPT Scam Turns into a Fraudulent Money-Making Scheme

Using the lure of ChatGPT’s AI as a means to find new ways to make money, scammers trick victims using a phishing-turned-vishing attack that eventually takes victim’s money. It’s probably safe to guess that anyone reading this article has either played with ChatGPT directly or has seen examples of its use on social media. The idea of being able to ask simple questions and get world-class expert answers in just about any area of knowledge is staggering.

Securing the Internet of Things: Understanding the Basics of IoT Security

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected physical objects that are embedded with different kinds of technology, such as sensors, processors, transceivers, or actuators. This technology allows IoT devices to collect and exchange data with each other over the internet or through dedicated wireless networks, enabling them to interact with the physical world in various ways. As the number of IoT devices continues to grow, so too does the need for proper security measures.

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A First Look at the Updated OWASP API Security Top 10

As the pioneer in API security, Salt Security worked closely with the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) to help identify, define, and educate the security community about API security threats. In fact, Salt was a key contributor to the original OWASP API Security Top 10 list, released in 2019. The OWASP API Security Top 10 list has had a tremendous impact on the industry, increasing awareness and educating organizations on the fastest-growing API security threats. Given the significance of this list, Salt has been actively involved in the foundation's updated 2023 mapping. We are thrilled to see the publication of the initial release candidate.

Cloud Protect Overview

In today's world, more and more companies are moving their data to the cloud, but malware and cyberattacks still exist. Protegrity can help your company remain secure even as it explores different cloud environments. From SaaS applications to data stockpiles, Protegrity Cloud Protect simplifies the enforcement and management of data-security policies across disparate cloud systems and tools - all through one centralized solution.