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Banks are leveraging modern cloud security tools to mitigate human error

The efficiency, security, and scalability of cloud operations are driving financial institutions’ adoption of the technology faster than ever before. The ability to meet customers where they want to transact, personalize solutions, and leverage new data and analytics solutions (including AI) on-demand is driving this growth. In fact, according to Accenture, the banking industry's workloads in the cloud more than doubled from 2021 to 2022.

Italy Bans ChatGPT: A Portent of the Future, Balancing the Pros and Cons

In a groundbreaking move, Italy has imposed a ban on the widely popular AI tool ChatGPT. This decision comes in the wake of concerns over possible misinformation, biases and the ethical challenges AI-powered technology presents. The ban has sparked a global conversation, with many speculating whether other countries will follow suit.

Social Engineering Attacks Utilizing Generative AI Increase by 135%

New insights from cybersecurity artificial intelligence (AI) company Darktrace shows a 135% increase in novel social engineering attacks from Generative AI. This new form of social engineering that contributed to this increase is much more sophisticated in nature, using linguistics techniques with increased text volume, punctuation, and sentence length to trick their victim. We've recently covered ChatGPT scams and other various AI scams, but this attack proves to be very different.

ChatGPT: The Cyber Risk vs. Reward

There has been a lot of talk about ChatGPT since it burst onto the market several months ago. And despite its infancy and the lack of standardized regulations around intelligent automation — the OpenAI tool has exploded into the tech ecosystems of businesses everywhere. While many see significant benefits from its use, few discuss the cyber risk to the industry and our organizations.

How to use the Microsoft Graph API for email

Security teams are using automation solutions more and more to achieve consistent and faster response times. Some of these responses require emails to be sent to various users or groups, and traditional methods of sending emails are outdated and not very secure. Security teams also need the ability to read emails from specific mailboxes, whether that is for automating responses to phishing submissions or something similar.

6 Ways To Use SecurityScorecard APIs and Integrations

Optimize your security workflows and deliver intelligence everywhere you work with the largest ecosystem of integrated technology partners in cyber risk ratings. SecurityScorecard provides Application Programming Interface (API) access for all our data allowing you to get more contextual security insights, app integrations, and detailed information about your current or prospective vendors. You can leverage our APIs and Integrations in the following ways.

Data sovereignty in the cloud: A Canadian perspective

Cloud computing has made its way to organizations’ IT infrastructure strategy rapidly over the past few years. In particular, Canadian businesses are showing an increased adoption. This article decodes how Canada’s IT infrastructure shaped up in the last decade, why data sovereignty is now a hot topic, and what the future holds for the cloud. While on-premises IT infrastructure continues to be relevant even today, both SMBs and enterprises are now embracing the cloud more than ever.

Using Workflow Actions & OSINT for Threat Hunting in Splunk

Picture yourself, a threat hunter using Splunk, and the words "workflow action" are uttered by your helpful security Splunker... Workflow actions make you a faster and more effective security analyst. They allow you to skip the laborious steps of logging into various websites to do your job and just get straight to business.