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Key Security AI Adoption Trends for 2023

It’s hard to go a day without some headline touting how generative AI is transforming the future of work. And this sentiment certainly rings true in the security industry as security operations centers (SOCs) continue to mature their security posture with automation so that they can protect their enterprise and customer data. But how are leaders and teams feeling about the progress of AI adoption and how the tools are being used?

Why CNAPP Needs Runtime Insights to Shift Left and Shield Right

There’s an important shift happening in the cloud security industry: organizations are looking for an integrated platform that connects the dots between several key security use cases from source through production. Whether it is for tool consolidation, consistent end-to-end experience, or “one throat to choke,” customers are increasingly choosing a platform-based approach to address critical cloud security risks.

Cloudflare Access is the fastest Zero Trust proxy

During every Innovation Week, Cloudflare looks at our network’s performance versus our competitors. In past weeks, we’ve focused on how much faster we are compared to reverse proxies like Akamai, or platforms that sell serverless compute that compares to our Supercloud, like Fastly and AWS. This week, we’d like to provide an update on how we compare to other reverse proxies as well as an update to our application services security product comparison against Zscaler and Netskope.

The Risks of Using ChatGPT to Write Client-Side Code

Since OpenAI released its AI chatbot software ChatGPT in November of 2022, people from all over the internet have been vocal about this program recently. Whether you love this software or despise it, the bottom line on it seems to be that the technology behind ChapGPT isn’t going anywhere. At least not in the near-to-distant future, it seems. Those who have been curious can try out this enhanced conversational AI software, have found that their results are often varied when using ChatGPT.

Key Considerations for Building a Successful Cloud Security Program

I recently had the pleasure of participating in a great panel discussion at the San Diego Cyber Security Summit, entitled “Cloud Security — Leveraging Its Strengths and Overcoming Its Vulnerabilities,” alongside representatives from Palo Alto Networks, Gigamon, Sysdig, Lacework, Imperva, and Tufin.

Guild Education Gives Salt an A+ for API Protection

Keeping our customers’ data safe so that they can move forward with business innovation is our constant north star here at Salt. But it’s even more gratifying when our mission is in service to a higher purpose, as it is with today’s announcement of our deployment at Guild Education. With its Career Opportunity Platform, Guild Education helps employees forge a better career path through education.

AWS top 10 misconfigurations and how to fix them: A cheat sheet

Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains the dominant cloud provider, with 40.8% of the market share. Many enterprises and organizations today have some, if not most, of their infrastructure on Amazon Web Services. AWS helps organizations accelerate their digital transformations and innovate faster, but there are common misconfigurations when moving to AWS.

10 Ways B2B companies can improve mobile security

Mobile security refers to the technologies and processes that are used to protect mobile devices from malicious attacks, data breaches, and other forms of cybercrime. It also includes measures taken to safeguard personal information stored on these devices, as well as protecting them from physical damage or theft. Mobile security is becoming increasingly important due to the rapid proliferation of smartphones and tablets being used for business purposes around the world.

New language-specific Snyk Top 10 for open source vulnerabilities

Developers use open source code because it facilitates fast development. In fact, the vast majority of code in modern applications is open source. But just like any other code, open source libraries are open to vulnerabilities that can negatively affect a wide range of end-user products. So with widespread usage of open source, it's important for teams to be aware of the risks that can be hidden in the libraries they use.

API2:2019 Broken User Authentication: The What, Impact, Sample Exploit, and Prevention Methods

API2:2019 Broken User Authentication happens when an attacker bypasses an API’s authentication and authorization mechanisms and gains access to sensitive data or functionality that should only be available to authorized users.