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10 API Security Tips you must know

Cloud services have made the world a highly interconnected ecosystem. Enterprises leverage services (virtual and physical) provided by other enterprises rather than build them from scratch, creating a web of connected devices, applications, and users. An API is one such service. About Indusface: Indusface is a SaaS company that secures critical Web applications of 5000+ global customers using its award-winning platform that integrates Web application scanner, Web application firewall, CDN, and threat information engine.

Get Smart(er) about the business value of API security

API attacks have dominated the cybersecurity news cycle lately. In early 2023, T-Mobile made news for an API-based breach of 37 million PII records of its past and present customers. And last year, Optus, a major telecommunications company in Australia, experienced an API security incident that exposed around 10 million customer records. And API attacks that aren't quite as ”newsworthy” happen every single day.

FINOS: The State of Open Source in Financial Services

In partnership with Mend, the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS) recently published its report, “The 2022 State of Open Source in Financial Services.” The report serves up a set of fascinating insights into the pace of open source adoption in the financial services sector. From optimizing benefits to overcoming obstacles, the report provides a valuable snapshot of open source software adoption in finance. Here’s a quick look at the report’s key findings.

Wallarm Platform Demo: Using the Settings Menu

Take a quick tour of our End-to-End API Security dashboard. Discover all the APIs in your portfolio, the associated risks from OWASP Top-10 threats like Injections and BOLA, and sensitive data flows. Prevent API Abuse from Bots and DoS attacks. Find and block leaked API secrets like API keys, credentials, tokens and more. Set triggers and integrate into your existing workflow.

Wallarm Platform Demo: API Discovery & API Posture Management

Learn how to discover all the APIs in your portfolio, based on actual traffic instead relying on schemas, including internal and external-facing endpoints, so you can protect them against OWASP Top-10 threats like Injections and BOLA, ensure sensitive data are protected against unintentional or malicious disclosure, and much more.

Getting Started on Governing AI Issues

Today we are going to keep looking at artificial intelligence and how corporations can get ahead of the risks thereof. Our previous post on AI was primarily a list of potential risks that could run rings around your company if you’re not careful; so what steps can the board and senior executives take to prevent all that? Well, first things first. AI is a new technology.