Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Wallarm Platform Demo: Using the Settings Menu

Take a quick tour of our End-to-End API Security dashboard. Discover all the APIs in your portfolio, the associated risks from OWASP Top-10 threats like Injections and BOLA, and sensitive data flows. Prevent API Abuse from Bots and DoS attacks. Find and block leaked API secrets like API keys, credentials, tokens and more. Set triggers and integrate into your existing workflow.

Cloud Threats Memo: Multiple Different Cloud Apps Abused in a Single Cyber Espionage Campaign

Threat actors continue to exploit cloud services for cyber espionage, and a new campaign by a threat cluster named WIP26, discovered recently by researchers at Sentinel One in collaboration with QGroup, targeting telecommunication providers in the Middle East, confirms this trend.

Securing Your Amazon S3 Buckets

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s largest cloud provider, with well over a million active users. The popularity of AWS makes it one of the biggest targets for cybercriminals — and one of the leading contributors to breaches is incorrectly configured Amazon S3 buckets. For example, an insecure bucket led to the unauthorized access of 23 million documents and 6.5 TB of data belonging to Pegasus Airlines.

API Security 101: Understanding the Risks and Implementing Best Practices

API security is the process of effectively securing APIs owned by the organization and external APIs used by implementing API-specific security strategies. It secures API vulnerabilities and misconfigurations and prevents their exploitation by attackers. It mitigates a wide range of API security threats and helps effectively manage risks associated with APIs.

Being with the "best of the best" as a YC Top Company

Salt has long benefited from the unique support that comes from being part of the Y Combinator accelerator program (Salt was in the Winter 2016 batch), and all these years later, we’re thrilled to have been named to not one but two of YC’s Top Company lists – the Top Private YC companies 2023 and the YC Breakthrough Companies 2023. For the Top Private list, it’s deja vu all over again, since we made that list last year as well.

Using ChatGPT to Improve Your Cybersecurity Posture

On November 30, 2022, ChatGPT quaked the digital world, sending a tremor that even rattled the cybersecurity industry. Instead of responding in panic, a more sensible approach is to begin learning how to leverage the technology to streamline your workflow and optimize your skills. In this post, we explain how ChatGPT can be used to improve your cybersecurity posture and data breach resilience.

Traveling with OAuth - Account Takeover on

OAuth (Open Authorization) is a modern, open authorization standard designed to allow cross-application access delegation – for example, allowing your application to read data from your Facebook profile. Combined with the proper extensions, OAuth can also be used for authentication – for example, to log into your application using Google credentials. Since its first introduction in 2006, OAuth has gained tremendous popularity.

OAuth security gaps at (now remediated)

This short video explains how Salt Labs researchers identified several critical security flaws on the popular travel site The flaws were found in the site's authentication functionality and could have allowed a malicious attacker to take over user accounts, access profile information, and take actions on behalf of the user such as booking or canceling reservations and ordering transportation services.