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Digital Transformation in Banking: The Impact of Fintech Consulting

Banking is undergoing an evolution in the digital world. With the advent of fintech consulting, banks are updating their technology and reworking their business models to meet the demands of a new generation. This transformation has made it possible for banks to provide better customer experiences, while also increasing revenue streams. However, this drastic change from traditional banking processes has presented its own set of challenges for banks.

Do hackers eat turkey? And other Thanksgiving Internet trends

Thanksgiving is a tradition celebrated by millions of Americans across six time zones and 50 states, usually involving travel and bringing families together. This year, it was celebrated yesterday, on November 23, 2023. With the Internet so deeply enmeshed into our daily lives, anything that changes how so many people behave is going to also have an impact on online traffic. But how big an impact, exactly?

Cato Application Catalog - How we supercharged application categorization with AI/ML

New applications emerge at an almost impossible to keep-up-with pace, creating a constant challenge and blind spot for IT and security teams in the form of Shadow IT. Organizations must keep up by using tools that are automatically updated with latest developments and changes in the applications landscape to maintain proper security. An integral part of any SASE product is its ability to accurately categorize and map user traffic to the actual application being used.

Rise of cloud agnosticism: challenges and myths

In the evolving landscape of technology, cloud agnosticism has seen increasing traction. This refers to the ability to design and deploy applications seamlessly on any cloud platform, whether that be AWS, GCP, Azure, or others. Cloud agnosticism is essentially a design principle that advocates for flexibility, portability, and interoperability, allowing organizations to use multiple cloud providers without being tied to the services or infrastructure of any single one.

Decoding Generative AI: Myths, Realities and Cybersecurity Insights || Razorthorn Security

In the latest episode of the Razorwire podcast, I am delighted to welcome back our esteemed cybersecurity professionals, Oliver Rochford and Richard Cassidy. Today, we delve into the fascinating realm of generative AI and its applications in the cybersecurity landscape.

API Security Standards and Protocols: A Primer

Recent API breaches drive home the urgency of robust security. In the T-Mobile data breach, for example, the attackers exploited vulnerabilities in an API to compromise sensitive customer data. This incident exposed millions of users to potential identity theft and underscored the devastating impact of API security lapses. Infiltrating through the API, the attackers gained unauthorized access to customer records, emphasizing the need for comprehensive protection measures.