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Advantages of Private LLMs - A Data Protection Perspective

In the busy domain of artificial intelligence (AI), the emergence of Private Language Model Models (LLMs) marks a pivotal development in addressing the escalating concerns surrounding data protection. As organizations harness the power of AI to glean insights and streamline operations, the need for safeguarding sensitive information has become more pronounced than ever.

How to Manage APT Repositories on Debian or Ubuntu

Jump to Tutorial Advanced Package Tool (APT) is the backbone of package management on Debian and Ubuntu systems. It simplifies the process of installing, updating, and removing software. APT works with repositories — designated locations that host packages and update information. Mastering APT repository management ensures you have access to the software you need and that your system remains secure and up to date.

How To Protect Yourself From AI Voice Scam Calls

Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used to carry out cybercrime isn’t new, but as AI becomes more advanced, so do the tools that cybercriminals are using. One of the most recent AI-enabled cyber threats we’ve seen is cybercriminals using voice-cloning technology to carry out scam calls. You can protect yourself from AI voice-cloning scam calls by blocking spam calls, not picking up calls from unknown numbers and creating a safe word with your family in case a legitimate emergency occurs.

IoT Penetration Testing: How to Perform Pentesting on a Connected Device

IoT pentesting, also known as IoT penetration testing, is a process of assessing the security vulnerabilities of IoT devices and networks. The purpose of IoT pentesting is to identify weaknesses in the system that could be exploited by attackers and to suggest remediation measures to enhance the overall security of the IoT infrastructure. The process of conducting a successful IoT penetration test involves several steps.

Navigating the Maze: Overcoming Security Issues in IoT

Security issues in IoT are a pressing concern as the number of connected devices skyrockets. What vulnerabilities are these devices exposed to, and what can be done to secure them against escalating cyber threats? This article provides a no-nonsense overview of the inherent risks in the IoT landscape and the steps necessary to maintain the integrity and safety of IoT ecosystems.
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SMEs Invest in Tech Opportunities but Risk Missing Security Safeguards

Across Europe, 100 million people are employed by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The UK has over five million SMEs, providing three-fifths of employment and £2.4 trillion in turnover. As a vital component in the national economy, SMEs must continue to invest in automation, technology-led innovation, and underpin this with strong security.

Test and evaluate your WAF before hackers

Since 1991, Web Application Firewall, commonly referred to as WAF, has become one of the most common application security technologies available on the market. Since the last century, WAFs have evolved by incorporating the cloud and using Machine Learning instead of RegExp. Currently, few technologies, such as NG-WAF, RASP, WAAP, and a few others, have internal WAF capabilities, which prevent web applications and API threats.

The Urgent Need for Real-time Cloud Detection & Response

It is impressive how explosively the cloud security market has embraced detection and response in recent months. The industry, including both users and vendors, is rapidly acknowledging the complexity of modern cloud attacks. Facilitated by automation and APIs, attacks cannot be effectively countered with traditional solutions that lack context of cloud environments or focus solely on posture.