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Chatbot security risks continue to proliferate

While the rise of ChatGPT and other AI chatbots has been hailed as a business game-changer, it is increasingly being seen as a critical security issue. Previously, we outlined the challenges created by ChatGPT and other forms of AI. In this blog post, we look at the growing threat from AI-associated cyber-attacks and discuss new guidance from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

GitHub "besieged" by malware repositories and repo confusion: Why you'll be ok

As open source software development continues to evolve, so does its susceptibility to cybersecurity threats. One such instance is the recent discovery of malware repositories on GitHub. In this cybersecurity attack, threat actors managed to upload malicious code onto GitHub, a platform that hosts millions of code repositories and is used by developers worldwide.

Convergence and Collaboration: A Tale of Two Summits Unveiling Device Authority's Global Triumphs in 2024

In a testament to the power of global collaboration, Device Authority recently witnessed the convergence of its US and UK teams in two distinct yet complementary gatherings. Amy Chu, VP Customer Success, chronicles the enriching experiences of the US team’s face-to-face summit, while Darren Cubbage, Engineering Manager, provides insights into the unity and inspiration emanating from the 2024 UK Company Get-Together.

Empowering Secure Cloud Adoption: A Response to the NSA and CISA Cybersecurity Guidelines

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the collaborative effort between the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in issuing five joint Cybersecurity Information Sheets (CSIs) marks a significant milestone in guiding organizations towards secure cloud adoption. These documents serve as a testament to the critical nature of securing cloud services in an era where digital transformation is not just an option, but a necessity.

Generative AI Results In 1760% Increase in BEC Attacks

As cybercriminals leverage tools like generative AI, making attacks easier to execute and with a higher degree of success, phishing attacks continues to increase in frequency. I’ve been covering the cybercrime economy’s use of AI since it started. I’ve pointed out the simple misuse of ChatGPT when it launched, the creation of AI-based cybercrime platforms like FraudGPT, and how today’s cybercriminal can basically create foolproof malicious content.

What Is Linux Identity and Access Management?

Identity and access management (IAM) provides a consistent, centralized solution to manage user identities and automate access control throughout the organization. This helps security leaders introduce role-based access control and meet governance, risk, and compliance goals. Your organization may already have centralized management policies in place. For example, requiring employees to use a VPN when accessing company assets remotely shows an IAM solution in action.

How Much Will AI Help Cybercriminals?

Do not forget, AI-enabled technologies, like KnowBe4’s Artificial Intelligence Defense Agents (AIDA), will make defenses increasingly better. I get asked a lot to comment on AI, usually from people who wonder, or are even a bit scared, about how AI can be used to hurt them and others. It is certainly a top topic everyone in the cybersecurity world is wondering about. One of the key questions I get is: How much worse will AI make cybercrime? The quick answer is: No one knows.

Reduce insider risk with Nightfall Data Exfiltration Prevention

Nearly one third of all data breaches are caused by insiders. While you might immediately think of malicious insiders, like disgruntled or departing employees, insider risk can take numerous forms, including: From these examples alone, it’s easy to see just how prevalent insider risk really is. Whether it’s intentional or unintentional, insider risks often have the same consequences as external risks, including data leaks, data loss, noncompliance, and more.