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How to Modernize Your AD Instance

Whether you want to extend your Active Directory instance to support additional capabilities, need to prepare for an eventual migration without replacing your current implementation, or are ready to move away from AD completely, we've built a roadmap for you. Find your path to modernizing Active Directory by following along with the journeys of Tyrone, Kate, and Eric, fictional IT professionals navigating three different real-world situations where AD needs an update. Grab your copy for detailed insights on the different ways you can prepare your organization to modernize AD.

Internet of Risks: Cybersecurity Risk in the Internet of Things

Smart homes, connected cars, and smart watches: these are examples of consumer-focused devices in the Internet of Things (IoT). But the Internet of Things extends beyond consumer use as new technologies are implemented in industrial settings and critical infrastructure. With the continuing development of the Internet of Things come new attack surfaces and cybersecurity risk directly related to the IoT.

How to use Vanta and AWS to manage vulnerabilities

This blog is part of a series about how to use Vanta and AWS to simplify your organization’s cloud security. To learn more about how to use Vanta and AWS, watch our Coffee and Compliance on-demand webinar. ‍ Amazon Web Services, or AWS, is one of the most popular cloud providers for organizations today — providing one of the most flexible and secure cloud environments available.

Security Flaws within ChatGPT Ecosystem Allowed Access to Accounts On Third-Party Websites and Sensitive Data

Salt Labs researchers identified generative AI ecosystems as a new interesting attack vector. vulnerabilities found during this research on ChatGPT ecosystem could have granted access to accounts of users, including GitHub repositories, including 0-click attacks.

AI-Driven Voice Cloning Tech Used in Vishing Campaigns

Scammers are using AI technology to assist in voice phishing (vishing) campaigns, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) warns. Generative AI tools can now be used to create convincing imitations of people’s voices based on very small audio samples. “At work, you get a voicemail from your boss,” the BBB says. “They instruct you to wire thousands of dollars to a vendor for a rush project. The request is out of the blue. But it’s the boss’s orders, so you make the transfer.

Five Principles for the Responsible Use, Adoption and Development of AI

We have been fantasising about artificial intelligence for a long time. This obsession materialises in some cultural masterpieces, with movies or books such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Metropolis, Blade Runner, The Matrix, I, Robot, Westworld, and more. Most raise deep philosophical questions about human nature, but also explore the potential behaviours and ethics of artificial intelligence, usually through a rather pessimistic lens.

Revolutionize On-Site Collaboration: Effortless Image Markups With Egnyte's iOS Mobile App

Imagine a site engineer visiting a construction site to inspect the progress of the project. Using his mobile device, the engineer captures images of specific areas that require attention, noting aspects like structural details, design modification, or areas that need immediate review and action. The engineer uploads the images into the project folder on Egnyte and shares it with the architect for quick feedback on the changes to be made.

GitHub "besieged" by malware repositories and repo confusion: Why you'll be ok

As open source software development continues to evolve, so does its susceptibility to cybersecurity threats. One such instance is the recent discovery of malware repositories on GitHub. In this cybersecurity attack, threat actors managed to upload malicious code onto GitHub, a platform that hosts millions of code repositories and is used by developers worldwide.

Convergence and Collaboration: A Tale of Two Summits Unveiling Device Authority's Global Triumphs in 2024

In a testament to the power of global collaboration, Device Authority recently witnessed the convergence of its US and UK teams in two distinct yet complementary gatherings. Amy Chu, VP Customer Success, chronicles the enriching experiences of the US team’s face-to-face summit, while Darren Cubbage, Engineering Manager, provides insights into the unity and inspiration emanating from the 2024 UK Company Get-Together.