Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Securing the Internet of Things: Penetration testing's role in IoT device security

The world is witnessing a remarkable transformation as more devices become interconnected, forming what’s known as the Internet of Things (IoT). From smart refrigerators and thermostats to wearable fitness trackers and home security systems, IoT devices have seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. These innovative gadgets promise convenience, automation and improved efficiency.

Test and evaluate your WAF before hackers

Since 1991, Web Application Firewall, commonly referred to as WAF, has become one of the most common application security technologies available on the market. Since the last century, WAFs have evolved by incorporating the cloud and using Machine Learning instead of RegExp. Currently, few technologies, such as NG-WAF, RASP, WAAP, and a few others, have internal WAF capabilities, which prevent web applications and API threats.

Balanced IT: Humanizing AI in Client Experience

How can we clear our minds of preconceived notions about Artificial Intelligence? How can we approach this ongoing technological revolution without apprehension? AI has integrated into our lives more swiftly than a lawyer’s “Objection, Your Honor!” in a surprise courtroom confession. We ask AI to do a multitude of things: write email responses, research our homework, inquire about recipes, complain about our tough days, compose school papers, and create art.

Are your APIs secure? Try our new free tool: API Specification Evaluator

Test API specification With the growing footprint of APIs, there is a strong need for secure-by-design APIs. A design blueprint of an API would be a helpful start in determining the security standard of an API. Fortunately, APIs have that blueprint known as an OpenAPI Specification. API Specifications play a crucial role in ensuring the security and functionality of APIs.

The Urgent Need for Real-time Cloud Detection & Response

It is impressive how explosively the cloud security market has embraced detection and response in recent months. The industry, including both users and vendors, is rapidly acknowledging the complexity of modern cloud attacks. Facilitated by automation and APIs, attacks cannot be effectively countered with traditional solutions that lack context of cloud environments or focus solely on posture.

Enabling Secure AI Innovations by Citizen Developers

Technology can change in the blink of an eye, and nowhere is this more evident than in the rise of “citizen developers.” Often without formal technical training, these individuals leverage user-friendly platforms to create, innovate, and deploy AI-driven solutions. But with the support of intuitive interfaces, templates, and code snippets come challenges. Security can be a challenge hidden in the simplicity of drag-and-drop designs.

Mitigating a token-length side-channel attack in our AI products

Since the discovery of CRIME, BREACH, TIME, LUCKY-13 etc., length-based side-channel attacks have been considered practical. Even though packets were encrypted, attackers were able to infer information about the underlying plaintext by analyzing metadata like the packet length or timing information. Cloudflare was recently contacted by a group of researchers at Ben Gurion University who wrote a paper titled “What Was Your Prompt?

State of IT 2024

2023 was a year of wild transformation, most notably with huge advances in the availability of AI technologies, persistent security threats, and economic uneasiness. But how will this affect IT professionals in the field in 2024? In this edition of the biannual SME IT Trends Report, JumpCloud surveyed 1200+ IT professionals across the U.S., U.K., and India for insights on how the industry is faring, how others working in IT are preparing for 2024, and quantitative data on IT budgets, OS usage, AI adoption, and more.