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Code Intelligence Wins Prestigious German AI Award at de:hub Pitch Night 2025

At the 6th de:hub Pitch Night, an event celebrating innovation and digital transformation, Code Intelligence was honored with the prestigious German AI Award. This recognition, awarded by a distinguished jury of industry experts and investors, underscores Code Intelligence’s pivotal role in advancing software security through artificial intelligence.

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

What if the very core of your company—the digital ecosystem you painstakingly built—is under attack? If an invisible enemy gets illegal access and begins manipulating data or disrupting essential processes, your entire organization could be paralyzed in an instant. Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities have this terrifying reality. RCEs are the holy grail for hackers, allowing them to run arbitrary commands on a target machine.

What is AWS EC2? Everything about EC2 Fundamentals in AWS

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) hosting service that extends scalable and secure virtual computing systems known as instances. They allow users to have their applications hosted in a scalable environment whereby computing resources can be easily scaled up or down as necessary. EC2 provides several instance types that can handle a variety of uses, from general-purpose and compute instances to those designed for memory-intensive applications.

Securing the Backbone of Enterprise GenAI

The rise of generative AI (GenAI) over the past two years has driven a whirlwind of innovation and a massive surge in demand from enterprises worldwide to utilize this transformative technology. However, with this drive for rapid innovation comes increased risks, as the pressure to build quickly often leads to cutting corners around security. Additionally, adversaries are now using GenAI to scale their malicious activities, making attacks more prevalent and potentially more damaging than ever before.

Growth Strategies for MSPs in 2025: Leveraging Technology and Data Protection

As the managed service provider (MSP) industry evolves, staying competitive in 2025 requires a blend of strategic planning, cutting-edge technologies, and a strong focus on data protection. With businesses more reliant on IT than ever, MSPs must not only provide innovative services but also ensure robust data protection to guarantee business continuity.

Aviatrix Controller RCE Vulnerability Allows Unauthenticated Malicious Code Injections (CVE-2024-50603)

AWS and other cloud infrastructure exposed to after attacks uncovered in the wild Cloud networking solutions provider Aviatrix has published a new vulnerability (CVE-2024-50603) in its controller. This vulnerability allows unauthenticated actors to run arbitrary commands. This Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability, rated CVSS 10 (critical), has been exploited in the wild. A patch is already available on GitHub. Alternatively, users can update to the secure versions 7.1.4191 or 7.2.4996.