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Manage Clinical Trial Site Submissions with Egnyte

The volume, variety, and velocity of data being collected in clinical trials is constantly increasing. It regularly surpasses what any one person or even a team of people can process, organize and monitor. Companies can no longer throw people at the problem, which is why many have turned to automation and AI to fill the gap.

Healthcare systems under attack

In October 2021, the IT systems of the Israeli healthcare system suffered a ransomware attack from which it took weeks to recover. Although the motive for the cyberattack on this occasion was not geopolitical but financial, government sources said they feared that far more dangerous incidents against this sector could be carried out by groups linked to foreign powers such as Iran.

Technology's contributions toward safety in healthcare

This blog was written by an independent guest blogger. Technology in healthcare has the potential to make all the difference in terms of safety outcomes. Right now, modern tech is pushing the envelope of what is possible in the doctor’s office and the patient’s home, as telehealth and artificial intelligence transform the landscape of medical care. But technology isn’t always safe.

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Four learnings UK organisations can take from cybersecurity research in 2021

If the opinion of every UK business leader was surveyed back in February 2020, it's very likely cybersecurity wasn't at the top of their priority list. Fast forward to December 2021, and the reality is very different. Steep rises in data breaches, ransomware attacks and phishing scams in recent months, means many organisations are frantically trying to bolster their security operations, in a bid to keep pace with the evolving and progressively more complex cyber threat landscape they are now facing heading into 2022.

Data Protection Healthcare and Social Care | How to Store Information

The Data Protection Act is an important part of the cyber domain and legislation for anyone working in health and social care. It governs how to protect the information in health and social care. This blog post will explore the implications of the act on healthcare professionals, patients and other individuals who may have dealings with you as an organisation or individual providing care to others and the importance of protecting sensitive data in health and social care.

Cloud Applications: A Zero Trust Approach To Security For Healthcare

Accelerated adoption of the cloud has driven healthcare organizations to rely more heavily on cloud-based productivity suites and apps that enable both employees and patients to access data from anywhere. Compound this use of managed and unmanaged mobile devices in a world where the network perimeter is being eroded and you have a real challenge at hand. AGENDA: Zero Trust - How to apply a dynamic and contextual approach to applications and data access in the cloud.

Regulatory Compliance in Healthcare

Every day healthcare providers must undertake the nerve-racking task of complying with an increasing number of healthcare regulations. According to one report, the healthcare industry spends nearly $39 billion every year on the administrative burdens of regulatory compliance. Today healthcare organizations must comply with more than 600 regulatory requirements.

Big Data challenges in tele-healthcare

Covid-19 pushed the boundaries of both healthcare and technology providers, and nudged people to finally embrace telehealth services. In fact, telehealth has proven to be the next frontier for the healthcare industry as it minimizes the need for in-person patient, clinic, or hospital visits which prevents overwhelming our healthcare systems. A McKinsey report shared that the use of telehealth in the US in 2021 surged 38 times compared to pre-pandemic levels.