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Trustwave's 7-Step Guide to Building a Healthcare-Focused Cybersecurity Framework

Healthcare organizations face increasing challenges in safeguarding patient data. With the rise of cyber threats and stringent regulatory requirements and potential patient impact, it’s crucial to have a robust security framework in place. Trustwave offers comprehensive solutions tailored to the unique needs of the healthcare sector and has the in-house ability to manage any organization’s security apparatus.

Unlocking the Power of Secure Identities with Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS)

As businesses continue to embrace cloud services for scalability and cost efficiency, cybersecurity is following a similar trend. To stay ahead of evolving threats, companies are increasingly adopting Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) as a comprehensive solution. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) deliver Identity Security to help businesses achieve key objectives.

Snyk named a 2024 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for Application Security Testing for the 3rd consecutive year

Snyk, a leading provider in developer security, is excited to share that we’ve been named a Customers’ Choice in the 2024 Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer for Application Security Testing for a third consecutive year. Gartner defines the Application Security Testing category as products and services designed to analyze and test applications for security vulnerabilities. This distinction is based on meeting or exceeding user interest, adoption, and overall experience.

Board Responsibilities for Data Security and Privacy

Corporate boards are tasked with ensuring that sensitive information—ranging from intellectual property (IP) and end-user information to sales statistics—is handled securely. As data becomes an ever-more valuable asset, so too do the risks associated with mismanagement.

How companies subject to HIPAA requirements manage sensitive data with Datadog

Healthcare organizations face unique challenges in managing and processing vast amounts of personal information, such as medical records, insurance information, Social Security numbers, and more. To accelerate patient care, these organizations are under pressure to rapidly share this information among providers, insurers, and patients—all within the landscape of a rapidly evolving cloud environment.

Dick's Sporting Goods Cyber Attack Underscores Importance of Email Security and Internal Controls

The recent cyber attack on Dick's Sporting Goods makes it clear that email played a critical role and emphasizes the need for better security controls. Dick’s Sporting Goods is a $12 billion company with more than 800 stores across the United States. That measure of success made the retailer the target of a recent cyber attack. A filing with the U.S.

Major Database Security Threats and How to Prevent Them

Human nature tells us that we’ll go for the low-hanging fruit before climbing a tree. Since threat actors are (after all) human, the same applies to them. Since databases are particularly vulnerable to many lower-level attacks, they are constantly at high risk. From misconfiguration to credential theft, these repositories of sensitive information can be preyed upon by even the most nascent cybercriminals.