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What To Do if a Scammer Has Your Phone Number

If a scammer has your phone number, you should lock your SIM card, secure your online accounts with strong passwords and block spam calls from your phone. With your phone number, scammers can do several things, including target you with phishing attacks, spam calls, spoofing attacks and SIM swapping. These kinds of cyber attacks can lead to your personal information being compromised and even your identity being stolen.

Trustwave's 7-Step Guide to Building a Healthcare-Focused Cybersecurity Framework

Healthcare organizations face increasing challenges in safeguarding patient data. With the rise of cyber threats and stringent regulatory requirements and potential patient impact, it’s crucial to have a robust security framework in place. Trustwave offers comprehensive solutions tailored to the unique needs of the healthcare sector and has the in-house ability to manage any organization’s security apparatus.

How companies subject to HIPAA requirements manage sensitive data with Datadog

Healthcare organizations face unique challenges in managing and processing vast amounts of personal information, such as medical records, insurance information, Social Security numbers, and more. To accelerate patient care, these organizations are under pressure to rapidly share this information among providers, insurers, and patients—all within the landscape of a rapidly evolving cloud environment.

CrowdStrike Empowers DevSecOps Teams to Strengthen and Streamline Cloud Security

Support for cloud security posture management (CSPM) misconfigurations: Our enhanced CSPM tools vigilantly monitor cloud infrastructures for misconfigurations, compliance violation and security gaps, providing complete visibility into security posture early in the development cycle and saving SecOps teams time.

Optimizing Tines Stories - Tips and Tricks for Building Efficiently

The goal of Tines is to efficiently automate processes while ensuring that the resulting workflows (also known as stories) are easy for users to understand, regardless of their background in Tines or coding knowledge. When trying to answer the question, “How can I best optimize my Tines stories?”, the answer is: it depends.

Opti9 Receives AWS Resilience Competency

As of Monday, September 16th, Opti9 Technologies is proud to have achieved the AWS Resilience Competency, specialized in Resilience Recovery, recognizing our expertise in helping customers enhance the availability and reliability of their critical cloud workloads. As an AWS Resilience Competency Partner, our services are rigorously validated by AWS to ensure we meet the highest standards as an AWS Services Partner, and uphold the established expertise.

Unlocking the Power of Secure Identities with Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS)

As businesses continue to embrace cloud services for scalability and cost efficiency, cybersecurity is following a similar trend. To stay ahead of evolving threats, companies are increasingly adopting Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) as a comprehensive solution. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) deliver Identity Security to help businesses achieve key objectives.