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The states of data, Part 4: Securing data in motion through treacherous transits

In our previous blog, Data in use and why you need to keep an eye on file activities, we discussed why you should monitor how your data is being used, threats to data in use, and how you can protect it. But, when your data is on the move, you need other security capabilities to secure it. In this blog, we’ll explore data in motion. Gone are the days when you’d simply store your data in your local database and share it with peers when required.

How to Detect Threats to AI Systems with MITRE ATLAS Framework

Cyber threats against AI systems are on the rise, and today’s AI developers need a robust approach to securing AI applications that address the unique vulnerabilities and attack patterns associated with AI systems and ML models deployed in production environments. In this blog, we’re taking a closer look at two specific tools that AI developers can use to help detect cyber threats against AI systems.

Teleport delivers "crown jewel observability" with access control monitoring for critical infrastructure resources

New updates to Teleport Policy enable security professionals to cut through the noise of alert fatigue, with "Crown Jewel" tagging and monitoring for access variances in critical resources.

Zero Trust Architecture: Protect Your Business Inside Out

Cyberattacks are getting worse, and traditional security methods are not enough. Businesses now face threats like identity theft and social engineering, making it harder to protect their data. With more employees working remotely and companies moving to cloud-based apps, adopting a Zero Trust approach is more important than ever.

Ensuring comprehensive security testing in DevOps pipelines

DevOps has dominated the 21st-century software industry as a powerful methodology for streamlining processes and improving collaboration between development and operations teams. However, as organizations shift towards this model, a critical aspect is often overlooked: security. This led to the advent of DevSecOps, an approach that aims to bridge the gap by integrating security practices into DevOps workflows.

Your guide to SaaS compliance: Key areas and best practices

Many IT managers find compliance to be one of the most complex aspects of the SaaS space. For instance, in a LogicMonitor survey on cloud solutions, 60% of the respondents highlighted governance and compliance as one of their top challenges when engaging with SaaS platforms. ‍ SaaS compliance requires adherence to various standards and regulations that can present a recurring workload for security teams in any industry.

Introducing: Extensive AppSec visibility with Snyk Analytics

Your developer team is growing rapidly, and modern applications are becoming increasingly complex. With the rise of GenAI, both developer productivity and security risks are on the rise; How can your application security stay ahead? Snyk Analytics is our most powerful solution yet for AppSec leaders seeking to gain the visibility and insights needed to proactively address security threats.

What Is SCIM Provisioning and How Does It Work?

System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) provisioning is a tool that helps simplify the management of user information across different systems. The information needed on multiple devices or systems will be the same, so instead of a user entering their information over and over again to access data, SCIM connects their identity with your organization’s various systems. Keep reading to learn the ways SCIM provisioning can be used, how it works and its benefits.