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Introducing: Extensive AppSec visibility with Snyk Analytics

Your developer team is growing rapidly, and modern applications are becoming increasingly complex. With the rise of GenAI, both developer productivity and security risks are on the rise; How can your application security stay ahead? Snyk Analytics is our most powerful solution yet for AppSec leaders seeking to gain the visibility and insights needed to proactively address security threats.

Can You Erase Your Digital Footprint?

No, you cannot erase your digital footprint, but you can reduce it by deleting inactive accounts, opting out of people search sites and adjusting your privacy settings. Your digital footprint is a collection of data left behind by your unique online activity, ranging from what you post on social media to what you browse on the internet.

Scalable Security & DevSecOps with Calico's Network Policy Model for Microsegmentation

In today’s fast-paced cloud-native world, scaling security alongside rapid development cycles presents significant challenges. As organizations increasingly adopt Kubernetes, ensuring consistent, fine-grained security across dynamic workloads becomes essential. Calico’s policy model for microsegmentation offers a scalable solution that integrates seamlessly into DevSecOps workflows, enabling teams to implement robust security controls without compromising agility.

Evolution of Scalper Bots Part 4: New Bot Tactics vs. Anti-Bot Tools and Legislation

Welcome back to our Evolution of Scalper Bots series. In our last post, we explored how scalper bots expanded into new markets from 2010 to 2014. We saw the scalper bot industry rise and a technological arms race begin between developers and retailers. As we delve into the period of 2015 to 2017, this battle intensifies. Scalper bots become more sophisticated, retailers implement new countermeasures, and legal challenges emerge.

Happy NIS2 Day...or is it? Navigating the shift from NIS to NIS2 and how to support long-term compliance

As digital transformation accelerates, so do the cybersecurity risks, particularly for organisations handling critical infrastructure and sensitive data. To address these challenges, the European Union has updated its cybersecurity regulations with NIS2 (Network and Information Security Directive 2), expanding and strengthening the original NIS Directive, which was established to improve cybersecurity across essential sectors.

How to Implement Microsoft Security Products for Maximum Value

Cybersecurity teams are in a tough spot these days. They are stuck between the pace of change in technology, the shortage of security professionals, and an overabundance of security tools all demanding their attention. It's a combination that should make the all-encompassing Microsoft Security product suite a compelling idea – if you can determine a migration strategy that makes sense for your company.

Ensuring comprehensive security testing in DevOps pipelines

DevOps has dominated the 21st-century software industry as a powerful methodology for streamlining processes and improving collaboration between development and operations teams. However, as organizations shift towards this model, a critical aspect is often overlooked: security. This led to the advent of DevSecOps, an approach that aims to bridge the gap by integrating security practices into DevOps workflows.

Shielding against FASTCash ATM fraud: How INETCO BullzAI secures banking networks

On October 15, 2024, a new Linux variant of the notorious FASTCash malware was uncovered, once again highlighting the vulnerabilities in global banking systems. This malware, attributed to North Korean threat actors, has been responsible for siphoning millions of dollars from ATMs worldwide by compromising interbank payment switches. The latest version targets Linux systems, allowing attackers to manipulate transaction messages and approve fraudulent cash withdrawals.

Zero Trust Architecture: Protect Your Business Inside Out

Cyberattacks are getting worse, and traditional security methods are not enough. Businesses now face threats like identity theft and social engineering, making it harder to protect their data. With more employees working remotely and companies moving to cloud-based apps, adopting a Zero Trust approach is more important than ever.