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Cross-Site Request Forgery Cheat Sheet

“Aren’t you a little short for a Stormtrooper?” In this iconic Star Wars moment, Princess Leia lazily responds to Luke Skywalker, disguised as one of her Stormtrooper captors and using authentication information to open her cell. In other words, Star Wars acts as an analogy for a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack. In a CSRF attack, malicious actors use social engineering so that end-users will give them a way to “hide” in their authenticated session.

Cyber Retail Fraud: A New Twist on an Old Game

People have always been susceptible to a deal that is too good to be true. In the 1800s, American con man George C. Parker was best known for his repeated successes in "selling the Brooklyn Bridge” to the unwary. Then, in the 1900s it became popular to sell "valuable" Florida real estate that turned out to be swampland.

Tines named a Leader and Outperformer in the GigaOm Radar Report for SOAR

We’re excited to share that Tines has been named a Leader and Outperformer in GigaOm’s Radar Report for Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR). We were the only vendor to secure scores of 4 (superior) or 5 (exceptional) in all evaluated categories, including key features, emerging technologies, and critical business criteria. Tines also earned Outperformer status based on our high rate of delivery in the last year, high release cadence, and strong roadmap for the upcoming year.

Exploring the Best Jira Cloud Server Backup Tools for Ensuring Data Protection and Recovery

Jira is a project management and issue-tracking solution that helps teams work together on projects. Created by Atlassian, it offers various tools to help companies organize tasks, communicate effectively, and track project progress. Jira is suitable for software development, IT services, business tasks, and customer support. Its flexibility makes it adaptable to different types of work.

Attack Vector vs Attack Surface

Attack vectors and attack surfaces are both critical concepts in cybersecurity, closely related yet distinct in their roles and implications. Understanding the similarities and differences between them is key to developing robust security strategies. This article will detail what both concepts involve, why they’re crucial, and methods your organization can conduct to enhance its current security posture.

Start strong: How CISOs make an impact from Day 1

CISO is a high-profile position with high expectations – and the impact clock starts ticking day 1. At Cato, we’ve had thousands of conversations with CISOs from companies of all sizes across different industries – learning about what works, what doesn’t, and the strategies that boost proactive, visionary leadership. This blog post, along with the eBook 30-60-90 Day CISO: Mastering the IT Security Game, is rooted in that collective wisdom.

Discovering Hidden Vulnerabilities in Portainer with CodeQL

Recently, we researched a project on Portainer, the go-to open-source tool for managing Kubernetes and Docker environments. With more than 30K stars on GitHub, Portainer gives you a user-friendly web interface to deploy and monitor containerized applications easily. Since Portainer is an open-source, we thought CodeQL, an advanced code analysis tool, be a good fit to check its codebase for any security issues.