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EMERALDWHALE: 15k Cloud Credentials Stolen in Operation Targeting Exposed Git Config Files

The Sysdig Threat Research Team (TRT) recently discovered a global operation, EMERALDWHALE, targeting exposed Git configurations resulting in more than 15,000 cloud service credentials stolen. This campaign used multiple private tools that abused multiple misconfigured web services, allowing attackers to steal credentials, clone private repositories, and extract cloud credentials from their source code. Credentials for over 10,000 private repositories were collected during the operation.

What are Active Directory Service Accounts?

Just like human users, computer programs also need access to resources on a network to function properly. There’s a difference in how these two groups—individuals and programs—access these resources, though. While humans utilize user accounts, computer programs use Active Directory service accounts.

Healthcare, Finance, and Utility Security: Meeting Data Compliance Standards Across Industries

Organizations across different industries are subject to diverse regulatory compliance frameworks, each with stringent requirements. In the healthcare, finance, and utility sectors, these standards are particularly critical due to the high sensitivity of data and the potential consequences of breaches or non-compliance. Protegrity’s data compliance platform simplifies meeting regulatory requirements by employing encryption, tokenization, and data masking.

OpenSearch Security: An Overview

When utilizing a new tool or solution to manage and monitor your data, it’s paramount that you can guarantee that the service you’re using is secure and that it protects your valuable data. With OpenSearch, you can rest assured that you’re using one of the most secure and robust solutions available. The solution emerged for numerous reasons, with one of the main factors being discontent among users surrounding privacy.

QR Code Phishing is Growing More Sophisticated

Sophos describes a QR code phishing (quishing) campaign that targeted its employees in an attempt to steal information. The attackers sent phishing emails that appeared to be related to employee benefits and retirement plans. The emails contained PDF attachments which, when opened, displayed a QR code. If an employee scanned the code, they would be taken to a phishing page that spoofed a Microsoft 365 login form. The page was designed to steal login credentials and multi-factor authentication codes.

Risks and Mitigation of Malware: Strengthening Your Cybersecurity Posture

Malware risks and how to avoid them are important things for both people and businesses to think about. Threats to data accuracy, privacy, and financial security come from malware like viruses, ransomware, spyware, and trojans. Reports say that over 560,000 new pieces of malware are found every day around the world, showing that cybercriminals are always changing how they do things.

Prevention Cloud: Protecting Your Data from Malware and Other Threats

It is more important than ever to keep your info safe. Malware, ransomware, and cybercriminals who target cloud-based assets are always a danger to businesses because more and more sensitive data is being stored in the cloud. Cybersecurity Ventures recently released a report that says the costs of cybercrime will hit $10.5 trillion per year by 2025. Data breaches and cloud vulnerabilities will be the main causes of this.