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Data Privacy

Top tips: How to protect your privacy online

You open Instagram and the first post is an ad for a smart refrigerator. What a happy coincidence; you and your partner were just discussing getting one for your new home! After you get over the initial excitement of having experienced such an unlikely event, it slowly dawns on you that there’s more at play than coincidence. In the present age, data is akin to gold, and seemingly everyone is trying to get their grubby little hands on yours.

Privacy Concerns: Data Usage vs. Data Harvesting and Security

Join us in this insightful video as we delve into the core issue surrounding data privacy: is the problem primarily how data is utilized, or is it the act of harvesting and potentially insecure handling of data? We examine the importance of clearly defining the purpose for which data is collected and the need for robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information. When organizations exceed the boundaries of their intended use, questions arise about the potential misuse of data and the violation of our privacy rights. Let's navigate this complex terrain together and explore the critical role of accountability in ensuring data is used responsibly.

Your Shopping List for Security & Privacy Program Essentials

Whether your org is about to begin its journey for SOC 2, or you’re planning to wrangle up more standards (think ISO 27001, CMMC, and HIPAA, to name a few), the set of tools and software you have in place can be make-or-break. We asked our customers what their recommended tools were, and compiled your shopping list for security and privacy program essentials. Tools or services marked with * denotes a partner or integration.

Rolling out our privacy-preserving telemetry system

Back in March, we shared our plan to develop a privacy-preserving telemetry system that will help us build an even better 1Password. The goal was simple: to better understand how people are using 1Password, where they’re getting stuck, and which updates we should be focusing on first.

ChatGPT and Data Privacy

In April 2023, German artist Boris Eldagsen won the open creative award for his photographic entry entitled, Pseudomnesia: The Electrician. But, the confusing part of the event for the judges and the audience was that he refused to receive the award. The reason was that the photograph was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool.

A Future Without Online Privacy: The Possible Outcomes of Neglecting Privacy?

Privacy is still a thing–for now. But there may come a time where privacy online is nothing but a distant memory. As our lives become more and more intertwined with the internet, the protection of online privacy has become a huge deal. Privacy is a battle of inches (or centimeters) and as technology advances and our digital footprint expands, the risks to our privacy also increase slowly but surely.

Q1 2023 Privacy: In for Another Wild Year

2023 started much the same as the year before, with state legislatures producing an impressive list of privacy-related bills in the U.S. Twenty-three states introduced comprehensive privacy legislation, with many more targeted privacy bills being considered as well. Iowa's governor signed the sixth comprehensive privacy law to close out the quarter.

Social Media Privacy: Which Social Platforms Are the Most Secure

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, enabling us to connect with friends, share experiences, and express ourselves. However, with the increasing reliance on social media platforms, concerns about online privacy and data security have also emerged. So which social platforms are private and which ones are not? Are there any more private alternatives to the traditional platforms we all know and use?

Celebrating Australia's Privacy Awareness Week 2023

When a country throws a privacy party, Cloudflare is there! We are proud to be an official sponsor of the Australian Privacy Awareness Week 2023, and we think this year’s theme of “Privacy 101: Back to Basics” is more important now than ever. In recent months, Australians have been hit with the news of massive personal data privacy breaches where millions of Australian citizens' private and sensitive data was compromised, seemingly easily.

Privacy is Power: The Value of Training for Modern Data Protection

We’ve all seen it in the movies: The chief of security declares that no one could ever steal the “Famous Jewel” because it’s protected by thick glass, an impenetrable system of motion-detecting lasers, and, finally, a weight-sensitive sensor. Cut to the next scene, where a thief, dressed in sleek black, zip-lines from an open skylight, shorts the lasers, scores the glass, and with split-second timing, swaps the jewel for a replica of equal weight.