Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


End-User Vault for Business & Enterprise

When you provide Keeper to your employees, they have the choice of using the Keeper Web Vault, the“KeeperFill” Browser Extension, Keeper Desktop App for Windows, Mac and Linux and our mobile app for iOS and Android. Vault data is synchronized across all platforms, so your users can access their data in any of these Keeper applications. Users can login to Keeper using biometrics like Face ID, or by entering a Master Password - which is the only password they will have to remember.

Employer Liability for Data Breaches: What Companies Should Know

Organizations are increasingly being held liable for breaches of employee data. But employers can take steps to mitigate the likelihood and impact of breaches. Any organization using an electronic payroll and benefits system stores and processes sensitive employee data — which covers just about every organization in operation today. There are many risks related to a cyberattack that compromises employee data, including legal liability, business interruption and reputational damage.

What is SaaS? Hint: It Doesn't Mean "Cloud"

The U.S. federal government is committed to implementing zero-trust cybersecurity across all government agencies. In 2021, the White House issued Executive Order (EO) 14028, directing federal agencies to adopt zero-trust network architectures. A few months later, CISA followed up with a draft Zero Trust Maturity Model.

What is a Cyberattack?

A cyberattack is an attack on computers, networks or systems by cybercriminals in an attempt to steal or access sensitive information. The information stolen during an attack can also open the door to other types of cyberattacks such as social engineering scams. Continue reading to learn more about cyberattacks and what you can do to protect yourself against them, both in your personal life and at your workplace.

Eliminating Secrets Sprawl: Keeper Secrets Manager Named an Overall Leader in KuppingerCole's 2023 Report

KuppingerCole Analysts AG, a global information-security analyst firm, named Keeper Security a leader in its 2023 Leadership Compass – Secrets Management report based on product strength, market presence and innovation. Specifically designed to fully manage and protect an organization’s cloud infrastructure with zero-trust and zero-knowledge security, Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) was rated as a top performer in the following categories.

What is the Most Secure Way to Store Cryptocurrency?

The best and most secure way to store cryptocurrency private keys, passwords and mnemonic phrases is in a password manager. A password manager encrypts all data, making it a secure option for storing what you need to access your cryptocurrency without it getting into the wrong hands. Read on to learn more about cryptocurrency and what you can do to better protect yours.

Vault Recovery Phrase

Keeper maintains the most security certifications in the industry and is committed to continually evolving our security methods in order to protect your data. As a result, we are upgrading our account recovery system with a new recovery phrase method. A recovery phrase is a simple, auto-generated set of 24-words that can be used to restore access to your Keeper Vault in the event you forget your Master Password.

Introducing 24-Word Recovery Phrases - The Most Secure Recovery Method

Keeper Security continually invests in new, more robust technologies to counter emerging threats. That’s why Keeper is upgrading our account recovery process via a new and more secure 24-word “recovery phrase” feature, replacing the current user-customizable security question-and-answer recovery method.