Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


What is Password Sharing?

You may be hearing about password sharing more often these days as Netflix cracks down on users sharing logins with anyone outside their household. The new rule has been met with strong opposition by those who share streaming logins with friends and family. For many, password sharing has become the norm when it comes to streaming services. Password sharing refers to the act of sharing login credentials with other people so they also have access to your account.

Password Management is Critical to Your Cybersecurity Strategy

From generating strong passwords to monitoring the security policies and practices of a company, password managers are powerful solutions that defend companies against cyberthreats and improve employee productivity. Continue reading to learn more about why password management is critical to every organization’s cybersecurity strategy.

Closing the Cybersecurity Front Door: Addressing the Federal Government's Security Gaps

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently evaluated the Department of Commerce’s (DOC) cybersecurity program, uncovering critical failures that exposed the DOC to potential risks. Specific issues included the use of default passwords for administrative accounts, compromising over 100,000 pieces of personal identifiable information (PII).

What is SIM Swapping?

SIM swapping is when a cybercriminal impersonates someone in order to convince a mobile carrier to activate a new SIM card. These bad actors use social engineering tactics, claiming “their phone” was supposedly lost, stolen or damaged, when in reality, it was never their phone to begin with. When a cybercriminal successfully SIM swaps, they can more easily steal someone’s identity because they can now receive their text messages and phone calls.

Password Security Best Practices for Businesses

Organizations spend billions of dollars on cybersecurity tools and consultants each year. Beyond traditional tools like firewalls, antivirus software, and System Information and Event Management (SIEM), it is easy to get caught up in sophisticated threat detection using artificial intelligence, machine learning, user behavior and analytics.

Understanding and Preventing Ransomware Attacks

Understanding ransomware attacks is the first step in being able to prevent them from successfully targeting an organization. To prevent ransomware attacks, organizations must have strong security protocols in place such as performing regular system backups and training employees to avoid social engineering scams, among other measures. Continue reading to learn more about ransomware attacks and what organizations can do to stay protected against this type of attack.

Choosing The Right IAM Solution For Your Business

Password security plays a fundamental role in Identity and Access Management (IAM). The easiest way for cybercriminals to breach an enterprise network is to obtain a set of legitimate login credentials. This allows them to bypass firewalls, intrusion detection systems and other technical security solutions. Once inside, they can remain undetected for extended periods of time.

Introducing Keeper's UI Refresh

The Keeper you know and love is getting a fresh, updated look, with a friendlier, accessible and more intuitive experience. Keeper’s new user interface offers clearer distinctions between elements as well as enhanced clarity and navigation – all improving usability in order for our users to take full advantage of Keeper’s powerful features.