Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Preventing cloud and container vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities are software bugs or weaknesses that could be used by an attacker. They could be present in the operating system, application code, and third-party code dependencies, such as libraries, frameworks, programming scripts, and so on. By taking a secure DevOps approach and identifying vulnerabilities early in development, you avoid frustrating developers with delays when an application is ready for production.

Welcome to the Age of Cybersecurity Attack Stories

Let me tell you a story. Not a bedtime story or the sort of happy-ending story you’d read to your kids. This is a darker, much more serious story. It’s a story about cybersecurity. Specifically, it’s a story about attack stories. You may be asking yourself, what is an attack story? Every cyberattack has a story. And that story consists of a sequence of steps adversaries take to learn, access and control the resources and data of the victims they’re pursuing.

CVE-2022-21449 "Psychic Signatures": Analyzing the New Java Crypto Vulnerability

A few days ago, security researcher Neil Madden published a blog post, in which he provided details about a newly disclosed vulnerability in Java, CVE-2022-21449 or “Psychic Signatures”. This security vulnerability originates in an improper implementation of the ECDSA signature verification algorithm, introduced in Java 15.

Forward Cloud | Demo

Forward Cloud is the single source of truth (and pane of glass) for hybrid multi-cloud networks. Forward Enterprise allows Networking, Security, and Cloud professionals to look at the same data when troubleshooting or verifying network behaviors. The single pane of glass model delivers actionable information in an intuitive, vendor-agnostic manner.

Software Supply Chain Security: The Basics and Four Critical Best Practices

Enterprise software projects increasingly depend on third-party and open source components. These components are created and maintained by individuals who are not employed by the organization developing the primary software, and who do not necessarily use the same security policies as the organization. This poses a security risk, because differences or inconsistencies between these policies can create overlooked areas of vulnerability that attackers seek to exploit.