Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


What the Heck is Spring4Shell? The 2min Explanation We All Need

As the digital world continues to rebuild after the Log4j hurricane, the threat landscape is once again disturbed by the rumbling of an approaching zero-day storm. After barely recovering from a zero-day dubbed as the worst hack ever encountered, concerns are understandably heightened, and as a result, there are many misconceptions about the severity of Spring4Shell.

Ekran System Listed as a Representative Vendor in Gartner 2022 Market Guide for Insider Risk Management Solutions

NEWPORT BEACH, CA — April 22, 2022. Ekran System Inc., a recognized vendor of insider risk management software, has been listed as a Representative Vendor in the Gartner 2022 Market Guide for Insider Risk Management Solutions.1 The guide aims to help security and risk management leaders understand and implement a comprehensive insider risk management (IRM) program.

Protecting Against Cybercrime In 2022

Join us for an insight into the rise of cybercrime with James Rees, MD of Razorthorn Security. Working in cyber security day in day out, we have an in depth understanding of the changes and trends in cybercrime in 2022. James shares his thoughts on what organisations need to have in place for a modern and effective defence in depth cyber security strategy to combat the current threats.

ALPHV: Breaking Down the Complexity of the Most Sophisticated Ransomware

In our new threat briefing report, Forescout’s Vedere Labs describes how it analyzed files and tools used by an affiliate of the ALPHV ransomware group during an attack. ALPHV, also known as Black Cat, is a Ransomware-as-a-Service gang that was first discovered in November 2021.

Willowtree roundtable: security for hypergrowth organizations

Modern software companies often provide many things at once. Their reach extends beyond a single product or service — and their security tools must match this pace. Our own Steve Kinman (Field CISO, Snyk) and Adrian Guevara (Head of Cybersecurity, Willowtree) recently held a roundtable discussion on the challenges hypergrowth organizations face with implementing code security in a rapidly moving space.

Arctic Wolf Security Operations Cloud

In this whiteboard session, Brandon Tschida, Director, Presales Engineering, walks you through the Arctic Wolf® Security Operations Cloud. Threats are increasing at an exponential rate and the traditional approach of leveraging tools to combat the problem no longer works. With growing threat alerts and a lack of trained people to hire, organizations need a new approach to stay secure. With Arctic Wolf's Security Operations Cloud, security operations are delivered as a concierge service. Reduce the noise at your organization and only receive 1-2 real alerts in any given week.

How to Create a Compliance Risk Assessment Template

Global regulations for data privacy and cybersecurity are quickly becoming more common and more stringent. That puts added pressure on organizations to manage their risks appropriately or face potentially painful consequences. In particular, organizations around the world and across industries are experiencing high demand from regulators to implement compliance risk management.