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Choosing the Right Metadata Store: Part 3

Part 1 of this series covered the challenges Rubrik initially faced with its distributed database. Our applications had become quite complex to work around some of these challenges. Part 2 of this series covered how we chose a new distributed database (CockroachDB), and how we performed the migration. Next, we will dive into some of the challenges we faced after migrating to CockroachDB and how we developed on top of CockroachDB to mitigate them.

5 tips for securing PHP Laravel

Developer-centric Laravel is often described as “the PHP framework for web artisans.” It’s one of the most used frameworks within the PHP ecosystem, with an extensive community and a wide array of sub-branches dedicated to application development of all kinds. With version 1.0 launched in 2011, Laravel currently powers the websites of global companies like 9GAG, BBC, and Pfizer.

LemonDuck Targets Docker for Cryptomining Operations

The recent cryptocurrency boom has driven crypto prices through the roof in the last couple of years. As a result, cryptomining activities have increased significantly as attackers are looking to get immediate monetary compensation. According to the Google Threat Horizon report published Nov. 29, 2021, 86% of compromised Google Cloud instances were used to perform cryptocurrency mining.

Incredibly simple...yet effective. Zhadnost botnet relies on Open Proxies and DNS Resolvers.

As mentioned in SecurityScorecard’s (SSC) previous Zhadnost blog posts (part one and part two), the DDoS attacks against Ukrainian and Finnish websites do not appear to have a lasting impact, as the sites were back online within hours of the attack.

The Cybersecurity Dangers of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency, the next generation of money. Adored by luminaries from Elon Musk to Snoop Dogg. Now the official currency of El Salvador, and a funding source for Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion. But is crypto really all that it seems? Cryptocurrency has tremendous potential to address a host of the world’s financial issues: from limited access to financial resources, to ineffective and costly payment and transfer services.

REvil reborn? Notorious gang's dark web site redirects to new ransomware operation

Sometimes referred to as Sodinokibi, the notorious REvil ransomware-as-a-service (RAAS) enterprise was responsible for a series of high profile attacks against the likes of the world’s biggest meat supplier JBS Foods and IT service firm Kaseya. However, it looked like its activities had come to a halt after law enforcement agencies pushed REvil offline in October 2021, and Russia reportedly arrested 14 of the gang’s members earlier this year.