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How Your Cybersecurity Score Impacts Your Stock Price

Your cybersecurity score impacts your stock price. Here’s how: The value of a company’s stock is based on trust. Investors need to trust that the company will perform well, sustain its competitive advantage, and protect its customers’ information. When a company gets hacked, it betrays that trust, influencing its credibility. We have seen the stock price of Equifax, SolarWinds, etc., drop after they suffered data breaches.

Trustwave Recognized in Gartner's 2022 Market Guide for Managed Security Services

Gartner has recognized Trustwave as a Representative Vendor in the analyst firm’s March 2022 Market Guide for Managed Security Services (MSS). In addition, Gartner previously recognized Trustwave as a leader in its MSS solution in its 2019 Gartner “Magic Quadrant for Managed Security Services, Worldwide.”

How to generate a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) using Veracode Software Composition Analysis

In this video, we’ll demo how to use the SBOM API with Veracode Software Composition Analysis (SCA) to generate a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). The new SBOM API provides an inventory of components within your application with insight into the relationships between the components. Exported in CycloneDX format, the SBOM identifies which components are coming from 3rd party sources and offers visibility into your software supply chain.

Generating fake security data with Python and faker-security

Snyk recently open sourced our faker-security Python package to help anyone working with security data. In this blog post, we’ll briefly go over what this Python package is and how to use it. But first, we’ll get some context for how the factory_boy Python package can be used in combination with faker-security to improve your test-writing experience during development. Note: Some knowledge of Python is helpful for getting the most out of this post.

"Pipedream" Malware Targets ICS: What Critical Infrastructure Owners Need to Know

Troubling new malware designed to facilitate attacks on a wide array of critical infrastructure – from oil refineries and power plans, to water utilities and factories – is raising concerns for its versatility. The malware, named Pipedream by Dragos and Incontroller by Mandiant, who have both tracked and researched the toolkit, is potentially capable of gaining full system access to multiple industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) devices.

Improve your patching efficiency with Tripwire State Analyzer

Organizations are always concerned with improving efficiencies to make business flow smoother. Some of the biggest inefficiencies in any business revolve around time wasted on operational tasks. Whether it is a stale accounting process, or something as trivial as routing phone calls to the proper department, saving time by improving a process can mean more profits, which is what business is all about.

How OAuth 2.0 Works

The modern human likely has profiles on dozens of applications. Whether it’s social media applications, music/video streaming, or workspace resources, each of us must manage accounts that contain personal information. Over time, these siloed applications have become increasingly connected. Twitter allows news sites to directly tweet, Discord searches Facebook for suggested friends, and Jira creates user accounts using Github profiles.

Why Is Normalizing Log Data in a Centralized Logging Setup Important: Operations & Security

The phone rings. Your email pings. Your marketing team just told you about a flood of messages on social media and through live chat that there’s a service outage. You thought your Monday morning would be calm and relaxed since people are just returning from the weekend. How do you start researching all of these incoming tickets? How do you know which ones to handle first? Is this just a hardware failure, or are you about to embark on a security incident investigation like Log4j?