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E-commerce Website Security: 5 Threats & Security Solutions

E-commerce companies are among the businesses most at risk for cyberattacks. High-dollar customer purchases combined with easy-to-hack, JavaScript-based websites are a threat actor’s dream come true. Building a solid e-commerce program means taking some time to understand e-commerce website security, including threats and protective measures.

Vulnerability Scanning & Vulnerability Management is not Hardening

As a CISO or Security Manager, you understand your organization’s need to remain one step ahead of cybercriminals searching for gaps in your security posture. The market is flooded with solutions for dealing with vulnerabilities and the challenge continues to be understanding the ways to best prioritize and manage the vulnerabilities.

Shifting to Holistic Risk Management with Cyber Risk Quantification

As malicious attackers and nation states have increasingly weaponized the cyber domain to impact private companies, the sustainability of organizations' ties to their cybersecurity is in question across all industries and sectors. There are many examples of companies going out of business as a result of a cyber attack, due to business leaders failing to wrap their arms around all the different ways that the ever evolving cyber threat landscape can impact their business.

How to Generate and Configure SSH Certificate-Based Authentication

The SSH protocol offers multiple authentication options: passwords, public keys and certificates. Certificate-based authentication is the most secure of them all, but historically, it has been the most complicated to set up. This tutorial guides you through simple steps to configure certificate-based authentication for an OpenSSH server. First, let's consider the differences between certificates and keys. As you can see, an SSH key is a binary proposition.

Zero-trust model, adoption and maintenance in corporate environments: a turning point

Digital transformation has accelerated and zero-trust architecture has helped businesses invest in more advanced technologies without the risk of advanced cyberattacks. According to WatchGuard’s Pulse survey of 100 IT and security executives, a zero-trust framework stimulates digital transformation for companies, as stated by 6 out of 10 respondents (59%).

XDR best of breed, and how an open architecture will get you there

The security landscape is continually changing and the race to stay ahead is often one of both victory and failure. As organizations globally continue to expand, security professionals are struggling to update operations quickly enough to ensure effective monitoring and response to incidents in their environment. The lack of security professionals makes this even more challenging. Patching systems, scanning for vulnerabilities, protecting against malware and viruses are essential and just plain smart.

The 10 Essential Checklist for a Successful EDRM Implementation

While EDRM is the only solution available to solve the security problems of unstructured data, oftentimes the term EDRM itself is the most dreaded one for many organizations. This is because many EDRM projects have failed miserably. These projects have failed because of overzealous policies, loss of control over the policies, and no proper implementation guidelines. This oftentimes leads to access being denied to those who are authorized to have access.

FROGBOT : Securing your git repository!

Frogbot scans every pull request created for security vulnerabilities with JFrog Xray. With Frogbot installed, you can make sure that new pull requests don’t add new security vulnerabilities to your code base alongside them. If they do, the creator of the pull request has the opportunity to change the code before it is merged. Frogbot reports its findings directly in the git UI. It simply adds a comment with its findings. You can think of Frogbot as your new team member, keeping your code safe.