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Goals of Social Engineering

Social engineering, including phishing, is one of the best opportunities for an attacker to enter a well-secured network. Knowing what data is at risk is an important part of any security strategy. What data or systems of value does your organization have access to? That’s what an attacker will try to hijack. Sedara can help protect your organization against social engineering attacks and more. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to learn more about protecting your organization.

Protegrity-Freedom To Innovate-Cross-border Data Privacy

Enterprise Data Protection & Privacy Platform for Cross-Border Compliance Why is protecting your data across borders important? For enterprise leaders, executives, and shareholders responsible for data moving across data flows, building a culture of privacy trust through comprehensive coverage establishes credibility, reliability, and growth.

The Freedom To Do More With Cloud Data

Despite the increase in cloud adoption, many organizations are still hesitant to move their confidential and highly sensitive data to the cloud. It’s not uncommon for companies to have concerns about being able to maintain the privacy, integrity, and security of their data when they migrate to the cloud or leverage cloud services. This is especially true for organizations that operate in highly regulated industries, such as healthcare, financial services, insurance, and the public sector.

How to Become FedRAMP Certified

We previously covered the basics of FedRAMP by simply asking “What is FedRAMP?” This time, we’re going to talk about how to become FedRamp Certified Cloud Service Provider (CSP). We’ll talk about some of the advantages of being FedRAMP authorized. We’ll also discuss FedRAMP compliance versus certification to understand the difference. Additionally, we will define terms you will need to know during your FedRAMP journey.

Increase Internet Security While Browsing Online With Proper Antivirus - Top 3 Picks

There are several antivirus applications available, and each one claims to provide the finest security. Only a select number of the finest antivirus programs tested are powerful, safe, and efficient enough to be ranked among the top antivirus programs in 2022. A network firewall, phishing protection, virtual private network (VPN), password managers, parental controls, and specialized mobile protection devices are among the functions that most antivirus products currently incorporate in addition to a virus scanner.

What do telecom security teams need from a SIEM?

More than “just SIEM” Just within the last 30 days, the two largest telecom operators in Australia1 were hit by a data breach impacting millions of customers and compromising sensitive personal information like home addresses, drivers’ licenses, and passport numbers. The situation is not very different in the Americas, where another leading telecom provider2 cited a 13% jump in ransomware attacks in the past year.

What is an Individual Validation (IV) Code Signing Certificate?

In this article, you will learn What is Individual Validation Code Signing certificate, how its need and how software developers use them. As of now, most people think that only large organizations develop software. But, it could be more accurate, as there are individual developers who build and launch avant-garde applications. And they also utilize digital certificates, known as IV Code Signing Certificates, for boosting security.