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Embracing Observability Tools to Empower Security Incident Response

Companies spend a huge amount of their budget trying to build, manage, and protect cloud environments. Since there is no industry standard for sharing data feeds between development and security, each team is on an island trying to figure out how to keep their side of the room clean. The most robust security incident response teams understand the incredible value of using observability telemetry for security workflows, but are unsure how to make it happen in practice.

5 Proven Benefits of Managed Cloud Security

Managed Cloud Security is an IT model that involves outsourcing the monitoring and security operations of cloud-based infrastructure to specialised third-party providers. This enables internal IT teams to concentrate on proactive initiatives rather than being bogged down by day-to-day security management, making it a strategic choice for organisations of all sizes. This approach integrates automation to enhance data breach protection, providing real-time threat alerts and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Personal Data and PII: A Guide to Data Privacy Under GDPR

Data privacy under GDPR is crucial in today's digital age. With increasing data breaches, understanding and protecting personal information is vital. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) plays a significant role in safeguarding personal data and Personally Identifiable Information (PII). GDPR, implemented in 2018, sets strict guidelines on data protection for individuals within the EU.

Sysdig Sage: A groundbreaking AI security analyst

Generative AI (GenAI) is a top priority for organizations looking to increase productivity and solve business problems faster. In cloud security, AI chatbots to aid security practitioners are becoming more common, but to date, most of these solutions offer only basic queries and summarization. Diverse cloud environments and evolving threats require more from an AI security analyst.

Rubrik Adopts CISA's Secure by Design Pledge, Reinforcing Our Commitment to Software Security

At Rubrik, we take software security extremely seriously. That's why we're proud to announce that Rubrik has adopted the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) Secure by Design Pledge. This voluntary pledge focuses on enterprise software products and services, and by taking it, we're committing to make a good-faith effort to work towards seven key goals over the next year to further enhance the security of our offerings.

SYS01 Infostealer and Rilide Malware Likely Developed by the Same Threat Actor

Drawing on extensive proprietary research, Trustwave SpiderLabs believes the threat actors behind the Facebook malvertising infostealer SYS01 are the same group that developed the previously reported Rilide malware. Facebook Malvertising Epidemic – Unraveling a Persistent Threat: SYS01 – Part 2 lays out evidence tying the latest Rilide (V4) version to SYS01. The report noted the code from the two malware types overlaps in too many areas to be a simple coincidence.

Navigating Cloud Security: A Shared Responsibility

Each July, my family and I take a road trip from Kentucky back to my hometown in northwestern Pennsylvania to spend time on Lake Erie. As tradition dictates, we stop along I-71 for coffee at a branch of a certain coffee shop, which also happens to be my former employer as a teen. (Let’s call it Siren Coffee.) This year, we sat waiting in the drive-thru for a drip coffee for a full 10 minutes.

The Current State of Ransomware Risk

Ransomware risk is top of mind for citizens and CISOs alike. From the board room to the room known as the ‘SOC’, everyone is feeling the pain of disruption. Being locked out of a system and forced back to pen and paper is shocking to our working lives. Too often, it is delaying a much-needed surgery or forcing manual intervention where a digital avenue was easy and efficient. But the effects of ransomware don’t appear to be going anywhere soon.

Data Security Posture Management: Enhancing Data Visibility and Control to Safeguard Cloud Native Applications

Wednesday, Jul 31st, 2024 Data breaches are a constant threat in today’s cybersecurity landscape, putting organizations’ sensitive information at risk. As businesses move to cloud-native environments, securing data becomes even more crucial. Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) is a proactive approach that helps organizations manage and protect their data assets.