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The Comprehensive Guide to Enterprise Mobile Security

Mobile devices are an indispensable part of our modern lives. While twenty years ago most people just used their phones to make phone calls, today they serve an ever-growing number of purposes. They still keep us connected, of course, but they also allow us to be more productive anywhere we go. That increase in accessibility is why enterprise mobile security is just as essential as the devices themselves.

How to tell if your organization's credentials have been involved in a breach

Stolen credentials are the easiest route into your organization for a hacker. Verizon’s 2023 Data Breach Investigation Report found that threat actors used stolen credentials in 49% of attempts to gain unauthorized access to organizations. The problem IT teams face is knowing when credentials have been stolen or leaked in a breach – otherwise you’re waiting to respond to a security issue rather than handling it proactively.

Introducing new Snyk AppRisk integrations: Enhancing application risk management with development context

In the fast-paced world of modern software development, grasping the full scope of an application is essential for managing an application security program. This entails having visibility into all the application assets involved in building the app, knowing their ownership, and understanding their importance to the development process and the broader business.

Hotjar's OAuth+XSS Flaw Exposes Millions at Risk of Account Takeover

A critical flaw in Hotjar that combines XSS with OAuth putting millions of websites at risk, exposing user data and risking account takeovers. Hotjar, a trusted product experience insights platform used by over a million websites, including global brands like Adobe and Microsoft, offers powerful behavior analytics and feedback tools. These include Heatmaps, Recordings, Surveys, and Feedback, which help product teams understand user behavior and improve user experience (UX).

Common Types of Network Devices and Their Functions

Modern IT infrastructure is comprised of various interconnected network components that make communication and resource sharing possible throughout your organization. Whether securing sensitive data, facilitating collaboration, or simply ensuring uninterrupted access, a network of devices is at play—and the elements of these devices are critical to a business’s successful operation.

Introducing Unlock with Google for 1Password Business

1Password Business customers can now integrate with Google Identity Platform using OpenID Connect (OIDC). Doing so brings all the benefits of integrating 1Password with your IdP: streamlined access, unified security policies, and improved auditing, compliance, and reporting workflows.