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Evolution of Scalper Bots Part 1: Origins of Scalping

In the evolving landscape of online ticketing and eCommerce, few technological developments have been as controversial as scalper bots. These automated programs, designed to purchase high-demand items faster and more efficiently than humans could, have transformed the way we buy and sell coveted goods online. During this forthcoming blog series, we are going to explore the fascinating evolution of scalper bots. We will trace their origins, developments, and impacts across several distinct eras.

How a Network Digital Twin Prevents Change-Related Outages

In today's rapidly evolving IT landscape, effective change management is crucial for maintaining network stability and performance, but many organizations lack a consistent change process. Lack of process often leads to unintended consequences, such as outages and performance degradation. A network digital twin offers a transformative solution to these challenges by streamlining change management processes and providing pre- and post-change verification to enhance operational efficiency.

IAM funding challenges? Think like a business leader

A couple of weeks ago, we started talking about cybersecurity spending and how we, as security professionals, need to rethink prioritizing those budgets to match the cyber threat landscape. One key takeaway: identity and access management (IAM) is chronically underfunded compared to other, more glamorous security initiatives.

The V-model and its role in testing embedded software

Embedded software development presents unique challenges due to its close integration with hardware, strict real-time requirements, and the need for high reliability and safety. The V-Model, also known as the Verification and Validation model, offers a structured approach that effectively addresses these challenges. This blog post delves into the V-Model's intricacies and elucidates how it enhances the testing of embedded software.

Over $40 Million Recovered and Arrests Made Within Days After Firm Discovers Business Email Compromise Scam

According to the FBI, billions of dollars have been lost through Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks in recent years, so you may well think that there is little in the way of good news. However, it has been revealed this week that police managed to recover more than US $40 million snatched in a recent BEC heist just two days after being told about it.

Dude, Where's My Documentation?

This is a public service announcement: The not-so-simple act of securing applications produces a lot of documentation, including playbooks and policies, that isn’t typically needed on a daily basis. But when a zero-day event occurs, such as the recent Crowdstrike incident, application security teams better be able to find everything they need—and fast. Sadly, in both big and small companies, missing and outdated documentation is rampant.

AI in the enterprise: 3 ways to mitigate AI's security and privacy risks

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize how businesses operate. But with this exciting advancement come new challenges that cannot be ignored. For proactive security and IT leaders, prioritizing security and privacy in AI can’t simply be a box-checking exercise; it's the key to unlocking the full potential of this wave of innovation.

Stories from the SOC - Sowing the Seeds of Cybercrime: The Credential Harvester

Cyber attackers are constantly innovating new ways to compromise users and steal credentials. Among these techniques, credential harvesting through phishing attempts is one of the most prevalent methods. This deceptive strategy often involves attackers creating a fake site that mirrors a legitimate login page.

Comprehensive, Continuous, and Compliant: Obtain Proactive Insights with Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence

The Splunk team is excited to announce the release of the latest addition to our security product portfolio, Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence (ARI). The modern digital landscape is a complex mix of devices, users, and a wide array of products and applications, all spread across on-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments.