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Comprehensive, Continuous, and Compliant: Obtain Proactive Insights with Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence

The Splunk team is excited to announce the release of the latest addition to our security product portfolio, Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence (ARI). The modern digital landscape is a complex mix of devices, users, and a wide array of products and applications, all spread across on-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments.

SEC Report Provides Insight into Key Tronic Ransomware Costs Totaling Over $17 Million

The financial repercussions of the May 2024 ransomware attack on the electronics manufacturing services firm Key Tronic underscores just how costly these attacks are. Key Tronic makes parts for a number of sectors, including computer, telecom, medical, industrial, automotive and aerospace. They were struck in May with a ransomware attack by Black Basta, which claimed to have stolen 500 GB of data.

AI in the enterprise: 3 ways to mitigate AI's security and privacy risks

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize how businesses operate. But with this exciting advancement come new challenges that cannot be ignored. For proactive security and IT leaders, prioritizing security and privacy in AI can’t simply be a box-checking exercise; it's the key to unlocking the full potential of this wave of innovation.

How Does Child Identity Theft Happen?

Child identity theft can happen in many different ways, such as by family members, data breaches, compromised online accounts or even sensitive documents being stolen. According to a Carnegie Mellon CyLab study, children are 51 times more likely to fall victim to identity theft than adults. Child identity theft happens when an individual uses a minor’s sensitive information to open lines of credit, get loans or steal benefits under the minor’s name.

Creating a Secure Community of Interest (COI) for Defence & Industry Information Exchange

The secure exchange of information between the Government, Defence and the supply chain is critical to operational outcomes. A Community of Interest (COI) is often used to facilitate multi-party coordination and collaboration between these parties but is often difficult to implement. Let’s explore the use cases, challenges and tools for creating COIs for secure information exchange.

IAM funding challenges? Think like a business leader

A couple of weeks ago, we started talking about cybersecurity spending and how we, as security professionals, need to rethink prioritizing those budgets to match the cyber threat landscape. One key takeaway: identity and access management (IAM) is chronically underfunded compared to other, more glamorous security initiatives.

New NIST Zero Trust Guidance Reinforces Agent Hygiene Value

This week, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) released “Implementing a Zero Trust Architecture (NIST SP 1800-35)” for public comment. The guide is written by NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) in collaboration with 24 cybersecurity companies. Now in its fourth draft, NCCoE has opened up comments for this Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) guide through Sept. 30, 2024, as part of a 60-day review cycle.