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How Does Machine Learning Prevent OTA Fraud?

Online travel agencies, more commonly referred to as OTAs, are online booking platforms used to compare prices and book flights, hotels or holiday packages. Well-known OTAs include Expedia, and TripAdvisor. While we have seen a significant increase in the use of OTAs for booking travel arrangements in recent years, we have also seen a similar rise in OTA fraud. Total fraud loss to OTAs was predicted to grow by 19% to $25 billion by the year 2020.

Operationalizing Data Resiliency

Oracle databases are an integral part of modern technological infrastructure for organizations globally. They underpin high-volume digital business, perform thousands of transactions, and house an organization’s critical and sensitive information. Today’s business requirements and data-driven applications are expanding the definition of “data loss” to include data that is inaccessible to the business for a period to significantly and negatively impact it.

Risk Remediation vs. Risk Mitigation

Remediation and mitigation are words commonly used interchangeably to describe a wide variety of risk management measures within an organization or project. They are, however, distinct concepts under enterprise risk management (ERM) principles, with particular relevance for safeguarding the organization and its stakeholders. Remediation activities focus on fixing a problem to avoid or prevent the arrival of a risk.

Cyber Risk & Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)

Protecting your business against a cyberattack means diligently monitoring for activity that could indicate an attack is in progress or has already occurred. Locating these pieces of forensic data (such as data found in system log entries or files) ultimately helps you identify potentially malicious activity on your system or network.

Bring down data storage costs by getting rid of obsolete data [Savings estimator]

Redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) data refers to information housed in data repositories that is either not in use or not needed in current business operations. These are files just lying around in your data stores, adding to data storage costs.

AT&T Alien Labs finds new Golang malware (BotenaGo) targeting millions of routers and IoT devices with more than 30 exploits

AT&T Alien Labs™ has found new malware written in the open source programming language Golang. Deployed with more than 30 exploits, it has the potential of targeting millions of routers and IoT devices.

Why Portability is Key to Better Productivity and Security

Least hot take of all time: Interruptions and rework are the worst. The modern dev pipeline is purpose-built to make collaboration easier and allow individuals and teams to work together to contribute to regular code pushes. This of course means lots of invention, feedback, creativity and iteration, all of which work best when they can be the point of current focus.

How and why we built Masked Email with JMAP - an open API standard

Our core values as a company center around our users’ privacy, security, and satisfaction. While developing Masked Email – our integration with Fastmail that lets users create new, unique email addresses without ever leaving the sign-up page – we needed a technology that brought all three values together.

What are Information Security Controls?

The possibility of a data breach at your organization can be anxiety-inducing. According to the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach is $3.61 million, and it’s on the rise; the average data breach cost is up 10% over last year and remote work is a contributing factor: Ponemon found that breaches caused by remote work were $1.07 million more expensive than those that weren’t. This may have your organization wondering if you’re protecting your data in every way you can.

Best practices for containerizing Python applications with Docker

From reading many Python Docker container blogs, we’ve found that the majority of posts provide examples of how to containerize a Python application independent of its framework (Django, Flask, Falcon, etc.). For example, you might see something like this: With this Dockerfile, we can build and run a Python Flask application: Two simple steps and it works just fine, right?