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8 Best Practices for Data Security in Hybrid Environments

Operating in hybrid environments can get really tricky at times. As more and more organizations are moving their sensitive data to the public cloud, the need to keep this data secure and private has increased significantly over time. While handling their valuable datasets within their respective environments, companies need to ensure utmost data security and compliance to meet the regulations set by various governments.

How to Easily perform Data Masking of Social Security Numbers (SSNs) in Log files or Events in 4 Ways using Data Bots

This blog post covers 4 data masking techniques and data obfuscation techniques that you can implement with Robotic Data Automation (RDA) to mask or hide sensitive data or personally identifiable information (PII) like social security numbers (SSNs) that may have crept unintentionally in logs or events.

Secure sensitive files and data in Box with Nightfall's Box DLP Scanner

Storing files safely in the cloud is one of the foundations of remote work. File sharing platforms like Box were popular before the pandemic for their ease of use and collaboration between users anywhere in the world. Now that we’re living and working in a world where remote work is the norm, they’ve become essential pieces of digital infrastructure.

Going Native: A Cloud-Shift Strategy for Your Security Operations Team

The shift to the cloud has greatly accelerated during the past year, and with that shift most cybersecurity incidents now involve cloud infrastructure. According to the 2021 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, 73% of cybersecurity incidents involved cloud assets — a 27% increase from last year. The 2021 IBM Security X-Force Cloud Threat Landscape Report also found there are 30,000 cloud accounts potentially for sale on dark web marketplaces.

WatchGuard Cloud Named Best MSP/MSSP Platform in CRN's 2021 Tech Innovator Awards

WatchGuard been honored in CRN’s 2021 Tech Innovator Awards, with WatchGuard Cloud named the best MSP/MSSP Platform. Furthermore, CRN recognized the Firebox M4800 and M5800 as finalists in the Network Security – SMB category. This annual award program showcases innovative vendors in the IT channel across 47 different technology categories, in key areas ranging from cloud to storage to networking to security.

Mitigate Data Loss with Rubrik File-Level Recovery for Microsoft Azure

The SaaS-based Rubrik platform is built to protect and recover a wide variety of cloud-native workloads. For Microsoft Azure, this commonly equates to protecting Azure Virtual Machines and Managed Disks, where recovery options can range from entire resource replacement, in-region or cross-region exports (clones), and now file/folder recovery.

Enhance Your Security Posture with Splunk + Google Workspace

Business productivity and collaboration suites preferred by enterprise customers, such as Google Workspace, are central to an organization’s operation. In addition to storing sensitive org info, Google Workspace includes settings (e.g. Google Groups) which control access to sensitive data across a customer's entire Google Cloud org (Workspace & GCP).