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What to do if your Computer has been Hacked? How to fix it?

It might be hard to believe that your computer can be hacked, you might have heard people saying I have been hacked and it is a serious threat. People have stored a large number of files containing personal information or sensitive data on their computers and attackers are always looking for ways to get access to them. You may be one of those people who claim, that they have been hacked, but they have no idea what to do next or how to repair the breach.

How can you Prevent Hacking? Tips to Protect Your Devices

With the rise in hacking and cyber-attacks, it is more important than ever to learn how to prevent hacking of your devices. No one wants their sensitive information or financial data get breached or their identities have taken over by a hacker. In this article, we will discuss tips and techniques for preventing hacking on your computer so you can be safe online.

Social Engineering Attacks and How to Prevent Them

Threat actors are employing more advanced social engineering techniques with ever increasing frequency. All sectors are open to attacks with the financial and reputational losses being significant. Exploiting human nature is not new. The methods used by hackers are getting more sophisticated and they are becoming better at manipulating human behaviour. This guide to social engineering will help you.

Cloud Threats Memo: Misconfigurations as a Threat Vector Continue to Rise

In this hyperconnected world, where 70% of users continue to work remotely, sharing data in real-time with partners and customers leveraging the flexibility of the cloud is a fundamental aspect for the daily operations of businesses worldwide. In this scenario, the risk of misconfigurations exposing sensitive data continues to be a serious (and frequent) concern.

Top 10 Windows Server Vulnerabilities for 2021

2020-2021 were unusually rough in the information security field. The pandemic accelerated the pace of discovering new attack techniques and the attacker’s motivation was high due to the potential impact of each attack. In addition, work methodologies that have changed led to the exposure of new vulnerabilities and an increase in the organizational attack surface.

Cybersecurity and OWASP in an Increasingly Digital World

As the world increasingly moves to a digital format, cybersecurity is becoming more important than ever. It’s especially significant since, according to a recent survey by Sophos, 51% of businesses in America experienced a ransomware attack in 2020. That’s a staggering number of security vulnerabilities that truly shouldn’t exist in the modern day and age. Yet, it’s relatively understandable.

Comply 2 Connect (C2C) - A Solution to Quell the Rogues in Our Midst

Have you ever taken a personal device to work and connected it to the work network? Maybe you connected to the Wi-Fi with a mobile device. Perhaps you brought in a personal laptop and plugged into an open port to connect to the internet. These may seem like harmless activities, and some companies even allow non-corporate devices on their guest network as a way to enable visitors to operate in their environment. In shared office environments, open networks are seen as business enablers.

Preparing for a World Without the Public Services Network (PSN)

Anyone who works in technology in the United Kingdom (UK) is familiar with the Public Services Network (PSN). This organization was established back in 2008 to help public service organizations to work together to share resources and reduce duplication. Over time, the Internet has become suitable for most of the work that was previously managed by the PSN, and the PSN is now considered a legacy network.

The IKEA effect in Software Engineering

I recently had to revamp my home office setup and decided to make a trip to my closest IKEA. The wide range of choices of desks in Micke, Malm, Brusali, Alex, and Bekant was only the beginning of the journey. I knew I had to head back home with the desk, find a good place to unpack the unit, find my screwdrivers, hammer, alan keys, and finally dedicate a few hours of labor to assemble everything. I enjoy the process but it is not devoid of frustrations.