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Scanning Amazon S3 Buckets with Nightfall Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

In this tutorial, we will walk through the end-to-end process of scanning your Amazon S3 buckets for sensitive data with Nightfall’s S3 Sensitive Data Scanner. By the end of this tutorial, you will have an exported spreadsheet report (CSV) of the sensitive data in your S3 buckets.

A Definitive List of Different Cloud Compliance Standards

Cloud security is not only good for consumers — but it’s also a requirement for businesses in many industries. Understanding compliance regulations (like GDPR) and security frameworks (like NIST) can help IT teams create strong, layered privacy and security controls and data loss prevention using a range of platforms and integrations. Here are the most common and comprehensive security standards that businesses need to know to be cloud compliant.

NIST Standards and Guidelines for Enhancing Software Supply Chain Security Include Security Ratings

At SecurityScorecard, we believe that making the world a safer place means transforming how organizations view cybersecurity. For us, this means that companies must take a holistic approach, protecting systems not just from the inside, but also knowing what an organization’s vulnerabilities look like from the outside-in to see what the hackers are seeing.

Weekly Cyber Security News 12/11/2021

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. Way too many awesome articles to include caught my attention this week. These three made it though. When you become popular (OK, perhaps not totally correct) you do tend to attack the attention of those wanting to take a bite. This was perhaps then inevitable.

First ransomware, now killware. Can it be stopped?

Ransomware has quite rightly been one of biggest ongoing stories of 2021 – and not just in the world of cybersecurity. The biggest ransomware cases where major companies have been forced to a halt until they pay a ransom have made global, headline news. The impact to victim organizations is usually financial loss and reputational damage. However, in cases such as the Colonial Pipelines attack, ransomware has caused real-world impacts on the general public too.

The 5 Reasons Private Equity Firms Use Egnyte

Private equity firms understand the threat of cyberattacks all too well, but they don’t always know the best way to proactively address this growing problem. According to a recent report by global consulting firm Deloitte, worldwide private equity assets under management (AUM) are anticipated to reach $5.8 trillion by 2025.

Discover and classify sensitive data in Amazon S3 with Nightfall's DLP Scanner

Organizations store high volumes of business-critical information in Amazon S3, such as personally identifiable information (PII), credit card information, secrets & credentials, and more. Identifying and protecting sensitive data in Amazon S3 is increasingly time-consuming, complex, and expensive, especially as your organization takes on more data.