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What is data fabric and how does it impact Cybersecurity?

Amidst sweeping digital transformation across the globe, numerous organizations have been seeking a better way to manage data. Still in the beginning stages of adoption, data fabric provides many possibilities as an integrated layer that unifies data from across endpoints. A combination of factors has created a digital environment where data is stored in several places at once, leaving cracks in security for fraudsters to take advantage of.

The role of Threat Intelligence Platforms in Implementing Extended Detection and Response

As the new year continues to unfold, cybersecurity budget holders will be deep into the process of identifying where to allocate funds to best enhance protection against cyberthreats. The good news is that budgets are rising, with industry commentators frequently reporting that companies are committing more money to strengthening their posture against persistent and sophisticated threats.

The OPA AWS CloudFormation Hook

With a history spanning more than a decade, AWS CloudFormation has been the tool of choice for many organizations moving their cloud deployments from “point and click” configuration and towards managing infrastructure as code (IaC). As a mature technology, CloudFormation has spawned an ecosystem of tools, documentation and examples around the stack — whatever one is trying to accomplish in this space, chances are good they’ll find relevant resources on the topic.

Protect your AWS workloads using Elastic Security

It’s no secret that cloud service providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure give teams incredible power and flexibility when it comes to delivering great solutions and user experiences to a global customer base. Leveraging the power of one or more clouds is often seen as a critical competency for an organization to succeed.

Netskope Authorized by the CVE Program as a CVE Numbering Authority

As a cybersecurity organization, Netskope has a responsibility to be transparent about security issues reported in Netskope products and services which might have an impact on Netskope customers or partners. To fulfill this responsibility, Netskope has a smooth, transparent, and industry-standard process under our Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) to disclose the security issues publicly which are reported in Netskope products from various sources.

Zero Trust: Is It a Fad - or a Truly Valuable Security Strategy?

It’s not your imagination; Zero Trust (ZT) is everywhere these days. Indeed, one study reports that 96% of security decision-makers say ZT is critical to their organization’s success, and another study notes that 51% of business leaders are speeding up their deployment of ZT capabilities. But exactly what is Zero Trust and why is it the top security priority for organizations around the globe?

Improving GraphQL security with static analysis and Snyk Code

GraphQL is an API query language developed by Facebook in 2015. Since then, its unique features and capabilities have made it a viable alternative to REST APIs. When it comes to security, GraphQL servers can house several types of misconfigurations that result in data compromise, access control issues, and other high risk vulnerabilities. While security issues with GraphQL are widely known, there’s little information on finding them outside of using dynamic analysis.

Everything You Need to Know to Improve JavaScript Security

JavaScript is a great programming tool, but JavaScript security problems can cause significant damage to organizations and their customers. To help cybersecurity professionals and software developers better understand everything they need to know to improve JavaScript security, we’ve developed a free, comprehensive e-book, The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Security.

Veracode Acquires ML-Powered Vulnerability Remediation Technology From Jaroona GmbH

On the heels of our significant growth investment from TA Associates, we are pleased to announce our acquisition of auto-remediation technology from Jaroona. Jaroona’s intelligent remediation technology accelerates Veracode’s vision and strategy to automatically detect and remediate software vulnerabilities. Jaroona was recognized as a Gartner Inc. 2021 Cool Vendor for DevSecOps.