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Weekly Cyber Security News 12/02/2021

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. Three quite interesting articles this week. The first is unsettling, if it wasn’t for someone spotting it in progress and was able to counteract the activity, who knows what might have happened. The question is then, who did it?

Employee Productivity Solution For Remote Workers

Remote work gives employees the opportunity to avoid lengthy commutes and work more flexible schedules. It also allows employers to reduce overhead costs and hire from a larger pool of applicants since employees no longer need to live locally to qualify. But of course, there are some downsides to remote work as well. There are far more distractions at home, so many remote workers find it difficult to stay focused during work hours.

The Kubernetes API Server: Exploring its security impact and how to lock it down

Organizations are increasingly turning to Kubernetes to manage their containers. As reported by Container Journal, 48% of respondents to a 2020 survey said that their organizations were using the platform. That’s up from 27% two years prior. These organizations could be turning to Kubernetes for the many benefits it affords them.

Three Open Source Software Security Myths Dispelled

Used by developers around the world, open source components comprise 60%-80% (and likely more) of the codebase in modern applications. Open source components speed the development of proprietary applications, save money, and help organizations stay on the cutting edge of technology development. Despite the widespread adoption of open source components, myths persist about its usage. The following are the top three concerns associated with open source use.

Hairpinning: The Dirty Little Secret of Most Cloud Security Vendors

In more than one conversation with large enterprise clients, we’ve heard the networking and infrastructure leaders responsible for managing the organization’s global WAN jokingly refer to themselves as the “Chief Hairpinning Officer” or CHO. At first blush, this provides a laugh.

Security Trends for Managed IT Service Providers

The global managed security services market was valued at $19.4 billion in 2017 and is forecast to reach $46.1 billion by 2023 at a CAGR of 14.9%. There has been an upward trend seen in the need for threat-intelligence by several sectors today. Due to an increased requirement to fight against the advanced threat landscape, customers today expect managed IT service providers and MSPs to adopt advanced security technologies to detect better and anticipate potential threats well in time.

Redscan analysis of NIST NVD reveals record number of critical and high severity vulnerabilities in 2020

The report is based on an analysis of more than 18,000 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) logged to NIST’s National Vulnerability Database in 2020. It reveals that well over half (57%) were rated ‘high’ or ‘critical’ severity – the highest recorded figure for any year to date. Our analysis also looks beyond severity scores, detailing the rise of low complexity vulnerabilities as well as those which require no user interaction to exploit.