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ValidCC Shuttered - Another one bites the dust

On January 28, 2021 the dark web community was informed that “ValidCC”, one of the leading marketplaces for compromised payment card details, was unexpectedly closing its services for good. This happened less than a month after “Joker’s Stash”, another popular dark web payment card marketplace, announced its retirement.

White Hat, Black Hat, and Grey Hat Hackers: What Do They Do, and What Is the Difference Between Them?

Picture this: a young person is in a dark room. The only thing visible is their figure, as it is just barely lit by the blinding LEDs of their computer screen. They type furiously on an ergonomic keyboard as thousands of lines of neon green monospace text fly across the screen. Click-clack-click-clack-click-clack.

Sensitive Data and Examples | GDPR Personal Data

This is your go-to reference for examples of sensitive data, definition and GDPR personal data including how to identify, classify and protect sensitive data. Highlights It is now easy to access information relating to an individual from the north pole to the south pole with a fast-moving world. You have ever wondered how your personal information is protected or even handled?

Biggest Cyber Attacks of 2020 & What We Can Learn From Them

There’s no doubt that the internet has made almost every element of our lives easier. Virtually everything now has an online presence, from multi-national social media goliaths to your local bakery. Though this has its advantages, it also creates risk. Convenience comes at a cost, and all too often consumers and businesses alike don’t pay enough attention to cyber security until it’s too late.

The Importance Of Security Logs For GDPR Compliance

GDPR enforcement (and therefore fines) has been on the rise recently. And after the initial “compliance on paper” that many consultants offered, it’s time to address the cybersecurity aspects underlying GDPR. We have previously addressed the logging requirements of GDPR and now we are going to review the “why” in addition to the “what”.

Using SIEM for Regulatory Compliance: Importance, Best Practices, Use Cases

Why is SIEM Important for Regulatory Compliance? A security information and event management (SIEM) system can improve the security of your business’ computer network with real-time automation, monitoring, logging and event alerts. By leveraging SIEM Software, your security team is able to track events concerning your company’s information security, such as potential data breaches, helping you to react in a timely manner.

Weekly Cyber Security News 05/02/2021

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. Most of us after almost a year of regular lock-downs are experiencing cabin fever. In some cases it erupts in quite interesting ways – such as this one. I very much doubt it is a hacker, most likely an employee trying to release ‘tension’.

AppSec Bites Part 2: Top 3 Things to Consider When Maturing Your AppSec Programs

When it comes to maturing an AppSec program, there are several best practices that can help you get started. In part two of our AppSec podcast series, Tim Jarrett, Director of Product Management at Veracode, and Kyle Pippin, Director of Product Management at ThreadFix, share the top 3 things they’ve learned from organizations that have successfully matured and scaled their AppSec programs.

Part One: The Rise of Scalper Bots

Scalper bots are designed to automatically purchase online goods. Generally, they do this by adding a product to a cart and completing the checkout process far faster than any human could hope to do so. They exploit vulnerabilities in websites to purchase goods before they are even listed as available to the usual human users of a website. Those using scalper bots have a huge advantage over non-bot users when it comes to purchasing limited-quantity items.