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Best Practices for Writing Secure Java Code

Every Java developer should follow coding standards and best practices to develop secure Java code. It is critical your code is not vulnerable to exploits or malicious attacks. In recent times, even big organizations like eBay, the CIA, and the IRS have fallen victim to vulnerabilities in their applications that have been discovered and exploited by attackers. The following guidelines provide a solid foundation for writing secure Java code and applications.

Five reasons why the supply chain is the weakest link in your cybersecurity

While cybersecurity is a major concern for all tech-enabled businesses, it is more so for the supply chain where hand-off happens from raw materials to delivery of a product or service. All the functional areas are potential touchpoints where cyber-attacks can happen.
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Six trends in operations management for 2021

2020 was an extremely challenging year for businesses in every industry and in every country across the world. Even those organisations that were able to find a way to continue to operate successfully through the pandemic found that their ways of working were impacted - often negatively - by Covid-19.

Calligo wins twice at the Digital Jersey Tech Awards

2021 is off to a stellar start for Calligo. At the Digital Jersey Tech Awards 2020 virtual awards evening, Calligo was announced as the Digital Growth Business of the Year for its achievements throughout last year, while Julian Box was named the Digital Leader of the Year. Calligo was named Digital Growth Business of the Year because of its growth in five key areas: UK expansion A fourth acquisition was also completed in 2020, this time in the UK.

Detectify security updates for February 8

Our Crowdsource ethical hacker community has been busy sending us security updates, including 0-day research. For Asset Monitoring, we now push out tests more frequently at record speed within 25 minutes from hacker to scanner. Due to confidentially agreements, we cannot publicize all security update releases here but they are immediately added to our scanner and available to all users. The following are some of the security vulnerabilities reported by Detectify Crowdsource ethical hackers.

Amazon Addresses Best Practice Secrets Management with AWS Secrets Manager

Data breaches are becoming increasingly common, and one factor driving this escalation is the fact that today’s IT systems are integrated and interconnected, requiring login information from multiple parties and services. In response, Amazon Web Services has launched the AWS Secrets Manager, a service designed to help organizations get a handle on these “secrets” by storing and accessing them in a secure way.