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How SIM card registration with ID Biometrics is revolutionizing telecom security in Lesotho, Namibia

The southern African nations of Lesotho and Namibia have newly begun programs for users to re-register their SIM cards with their biometrics and digital IDs, adding them to the list of newly joined countries adapting to the new norms in Africa. South Africa is also set to schedule biometric SIM registration, with further plans to push ‘ID4Africa’ as a type of incentive-based identity enrollment approach for governments.

The Anatomy of Wiper Malware, Part 2: Third-Party Drivers

In Part 1 of this four-part blog series examining wiper malware, we introduced the topic of wipers, reviewed their recent history and presented common adversary techniques that leverage wipers to destroy system data. In Part 2, CrowdStrike’s Endpoint Protection Content Research Team discusses how threat actors have used legitimate third-party drivers to bypass the visibility and detection capabilities of security mechanisms and solutions.

Introducing Managed Policies for Sysdig Secure

Whether you’re learning cloud-native workload protection for the first time or running all your microservice workloads in production, you probably already noticed that cloud-native security is much different from security design used for traditional monolith applications. The dramatic increase in complexity and the evolving threat landscape make cloud and container security even more critical and harder to manage.

8 tips for securing containers from source to runtime

Today we’re announcing a new container security cheat sheet and report — created in collaboration with our partner Sysdig. Download cheatsheet In this post, we’ll outline tips to help you successfully navigate the challenges of container security with a focus on three core principles: Traditional security approaches are incapable of handling the distributed and ephemeral nature of containers.

When Should You be Using Encryption?

Many organizations want to leverage encryption in their environments. This usually starts off with encrypting data and devices that physically leave the organization. External USB drives with encryption or internal drive encryption on laptops using BitLocker for example. We have all heard stories of secret government documentation being left behind on the train or a laptop with employee information being left in a Taxi while traveling.

API authentication and authorization best practices

Learn about API authentication and authorization best practices to ensure your APIs are secure. While we often use the terms interchangeably, authorization and authentication are two separate functions. Authentication is the process of verifying who a user is, and authorization is the process of verifying what they have access to.

Top 5 Hidden Costs of SharePoint Online

If you’re like many organizations that have heavily invested in Microsoft 365, you may be considering, or already attempting, to use SharePoint Online as your company file server. After all, it’s “free” since it’s included in the service, right? While Microsoft has made improvements on the front-end with OneDrive for Business and Teams, there are still many challenges and hidden costs associated with using SharePoint as your primary company file system.

How Do We Secure Our Software Supply Chain?

Software supply chain is anything and everything that contributes to making software functional. This includes code in the developer system, the CICD pipeline, dependencies, binaries, and deployed software in production, as well as people, processes, and the technology space. With the growing adoption of assembling software from distributed, unmanaged components rather than building it from scratch, more often than not, organizations are not aware whose, or what, code is running within their software.

Keeping Docker secrets secure (even if you're not using Kubernetes)

Distributed containerized systems compose applications, resources, services, databases, and other artifacts. These components often need sensitive information such as user keys, passwords, API keys, and certificates to function properly. Secrets management is critical for adequately handling sensitive information and Kubernetes deployments often utilize their built-in Secrets resource type and associated RBAC controls but what if you aren’t deploying on Kubernetes?