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Phishing Scams Have Reached New Heights: How to Improve Detection and Response

The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) Phishing Activity Trends Report reveals that in Q2 of 2022 there were 1,097,811 total phishing attacks. This marks the worst quarter for phishing observed to date, exceeding Q1 of 2022 which was the first time the three-month total exceeded one million.

2022 Snyk Customer Value Study highlights: The impact of developer-first security

Developer-centric security movements have dominated discussions in software development over recent years. The concepts are clear — integrate security early and find issues faster. But how does an organization measure the success of its developer security program?

Automate Keeper Device Approval in the Cloud with Azure

Keeper’s powerful Automator eliminates the repetitive task of device approval for Keeper administrators. With Keeper Automator, users will enjoy instant access to Keeper on any new device without having to wait for manual administrative approval. Now with Microsoft Azure support, administrators can deploy Keeper Automator to an Azure Container Service, providing a fully cloud hosted instance of Automator.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: The Importance of Recognizing and Reporting Phishing Attempts

The theme of this year’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month theme – “See Yourself in Cyber” – focuses on how both individuals and organizations can better protect themselves from cybercrime. One of the most important steps we can all take is learning to recognize and report phishing attempts.

Infrastructure Security is Not Enough to Defend Against Ransomware

Register Now Let’s face it, you’re still vulnerable to ransomware. Even if it feels like you’ve done everything—you’ve built a robust defense, you have multiple cybersecurity measures in place, and you’ve implemented a company-wide security training. But, is it enough? Every business is vulnerable to ransomware. From the largest bank to the smallest school.

Banks: You don't need to deploy fraud detection tools on-premise anymore

It might seem like ‘the cloud’ has well and truly established itself as the de facto deployment choice. However, the market for cloud computing is still expected to grow – a lot – in the coming years (from $371.4 billion in 2020 to $832.1 billion in 2025). How can this much growth still be possible for a fairly mature market?

Why Auto Dealers Are Prime Targets for Ransomware Attacks

It’s no secret that cyber attacks — especially ransomware attacks — are increasing across industries and organizations. Attack methods are evolving and rapid digitization, along with the rise of cloud computing and a remote workforce, are creating new threat vectors and exposing new vulnerabilities. One industry that has become a major target for attacks is the automotive industry.