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How Azalea Health Ensures Customer Trust with Cloud-based Software Security

As head of the product department at Azalea Health, I need to understand what our market needs. Based on the conversations that we've had with hospitals and clinics, enterprise-grade security is something they desperately need but rightfully expect their EHR system to provide. That’s why it’s important for our organization to take the responsibility of securing health data off their shoulders.

Hey! Did you hear that (Insert: Your Company Name and Product) got hacked?

Have you noticed it’s never “Hey, someone got by a firewall” or “WOW, they bypassed the network security”? No. It’s always about the Device. It’s the same for hackers because everything else is just a means to an end, and that end is your Device! Imagine, late at night, driving around the Amusement Park security gate, then busting open the locked gated fence. These actions are necessary to get to the big score, the Rides! Yaaahoo!

Implementing TLS/SSL in Python

Nowadays, we do virtually everything online: book flights, pay for goods, transfer bank funds, message friends, store documents, and so on. Many things we do require giving out sensitive information like our credit card details and banking information. If a website uses an unsecured network, a malicious hacker can easily steal user information. This is why encryption is so important.

Understanding Sensitive Data Discovery: Classification and Tools

In its 2022 Cost of a Data Breach report, IBM notes that for 83% of companies, it’s not if a data breach will happen — but when. The sheer volume of data, as well as the difficulty in monitoring shadow IT and the shift to remote work, means that IT security teams face a persistent and ever-changing risk landscape that makes it extremely difficult to keep information secure. Protecting sensitive data starts with data discovery.

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Convince Your Boss You Need These Managed IT Security Services

Considering managed it security services? It is more important than ever to have a resilient security posture. Hackers are constantly looking for ways to exploit weaknesses in systems, and even a small data breach can have devastating consequences.

The Anatomy of Wiper Malware, Part 4: Less Common "Helper" Techniques

In Part 3, CrowdStrike’s Endpoint Protection Content Research Team covered the finer points of Input/Output Control (IOCTL) usage by various wipers. The fourth and final part of the wiper series covers some of the rarely used “helper” techniques implemented by wipers, which achieve secondary goals or facilitate a smaller portion of the wiping process.

It's Cybersecurity Awareness Month-Let's Talk AppSec

It’s that time of year again: October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. At the very least, it serves as an annual reminder to check your security posture, both at work and at home. But I figured that it also might be a good time to take a closer look at more specific topics over the course of the month. I will do my best to stay out of the weeds, but this is important for all of us to be aware of.

Things You Should Know About Your Privacy Online

Surveillance is becoming an increasingly standard component of modern life, posing a threat to the idea that people have a right to privacy. In many situations, we unwittingly provide companies with information about our preferences, routines, and interests. In this age of digital era, you must not rely on evolving surveillance regulations and vendors to keep your personal information and security intact.

Where to Find the Cheap Code Signing Certificates at Best Price?

In a world where software is ruling everything (well, almost everything), ensuring it is safe and tamper-proof becomes quite crucial. More so if you deal with software manufacturing and development. So are you in the software or application development business? If yes, you must know about all the safety-related concerns people have while using any application. To make sure your end-users are safe from any third party, it is important to sign all your codes digitally.