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EP 21 - Back to the Cyber Future: Theresa Payton on Evolving Digital Threats (Part 1)

Since the earliest digital days, cyberattackers have targeted identities in their quests for riches, chaos and even revenge. So, what if we could hop into a flux capacitor-equipped DeLorean, hammer-down to 88 mph, and go back in time to better understand how yesterday’s threats influence today’s landscape – and what history can teach us about outpacing adversaries? Today, we do that – and a whole lot more – with a fantastic guest: Theresa Payton.

ManageEngine Log360 named in GigaOm radar report on automated security operations management (ASOM)

ManageEngine Log360 was featured in the GigaOm Radar report on Automated Security Operations Management (ASOM), published in October 2022 and written by Logan Andrew Green. The research firm’s report includes an in-depth study of the solutions offered by some of the major vendors in the market and highlights Log360 as a Challenger in the ASOM sector. Log360 is a unified SIEM solution from ManageEngine with integrated DLP and CASB capabilities.

This Valentine's Day, Swipe Left on Hackers

Online dating is one of the fastest-growing industries in the tech world. Online dating has quickly become a sustainable way to remain social and have a relationship with someone other than your cat. But what are the chances that you’ll be swiping right on a hacker? Mobile analytics platform, Adjust, reports that in 2021, 300 million adults used dating apps worldwide with 20 million users paying for premium features.

Top 10 Most Common Software Supply Chain Risk Factors

Imagine a world where a single line of code, tucked away in a common library or framework, could bring your entire digital world to a screeching halt—welcome to the ever-evolving landscape of software supply chain security. Like any supply chain, the security of your software is only as strong as the weakest link in the system that produces and delivers working code.

2023 Guide to Digital Banking Fraud Detection & Prevention

About ten years ago, a new generation of banks entirely transitioned to digital operations. Neobanks, which are banks that only do business online and have no physical locations, cater to specific consumers’ demands by providing more convenience and reduced transaction costs. However, for these newer, online-first institutions, digital banking fraud can be particularly difficult.

Valentines Day Dating Scams Warning

With Valentines Day being today, it’s important to look at the risk factors as well as celebrating the occasion. This time of year is the ultimate peak of online scams from catfishing to identity theft and many more. It’s crucial to be aware of these scams and how they are calculated. This blog & podcast covers the top common online dating scams and how to identify them.