DevOps engineers must handle secrets with care. In this series, we summarize best practices for leveraging secrets with your everyday tools.
I was inspired to write this after reading a post from Thomas Depierre on Mastodon. The post touched on something that’s been troubling me recently. When it comes to software security, we spend a lot of time talking about the software supply chain and related concepts, such as the software bill of materials (SBOM). This metaphor comes from an industrial lexicon. People who are used to talking about economies and how manufacturing works are familiar with the idea of supply chain.
Mass assignment, also known as autobinding or object injection, is a category of vulnerabilities that occur when user input is bound to variables or objects within a program. Mass assignment vulnerabilities are often the result of an attacker adding unexpected fields to an object to manipulate the logic of a program.
Info-stealers are malicious software designed to extract sensitive information, such as passwords, from victim systems. Info-stealers have become one of the most discussed malware types in cybercriminal underground forums. Let’s see how info-stealers have evolved recently to become the threat that they are. Then, we’ll look at a specific stealer freely available as open-source that could be used in future attacks.
Following up from our previous Kubernetes Essential Policy Toolkit Deeper Dive, we’re excited to announce upcoming enhancements to Terraform use cases in Styra DAS and take a deeper dive into the Styra DAS Terraform policy toolkit. With the enhanced Styra DAS Terraform policy toolkit, we’re making it even easier for platform engineering and cloud infrastructure teams to support their company’s application developers while delivering secure and compliant infrastructure configurations.
Enterprises require multiple tools for cyber defense, so network and information security staff often end up managing a patchwork of solutions, a blend of legacy and new technologies. If they find and deploy solutions that solve several business and security problems at once, they can reduce costs, logistics, and headaches while helping the business grow and innovate.