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A Guide on 5 Common LinkedIn Scams

The fact that scammers haunt Facebook and Twitter is not surprising. Even so, digital criminals don’t stop with just those two platforms. They’re also known to stalk users on LinkedIn where connections carry greater professional gravity. Fortunately, users can stay alert of such activity by familiarizing themselves with the most common types of LinkedIn scams. In no particular order, here are five such ruses that should be on everyone’s radar.

The Language of Cybersecurity Frameworks, Guidance, Regulations, and Standards

When it comes to acronyms, Technology and Cybersecurity often rival various branches of government. Technology acronyms are usually somewhat bland, amounting to little more than the arcane argot of the profession, such as SOC, SIEM, and DNS.

Big Trends From the 2023 Okta Business at Work Report

This year’s Okta Business at Work annual report highlights growth, despite national headlines with concerns about a recession and economic contraction. Given Okta’s role as a leading identity service provider, the growth theme is good news for stronger authentication and protection against access compromise, phishing, and ransomware.

The ION Ransomware Crisis: A Wake-Up Call for Organizations

Ransomware appears to be one of the most expensive and disruptive internet afflictions. It is a type of malware that encrypts the victim's files and vital information, and hackers demand payoffs to provide the decryption keys. While ransomware is not any new form of attack on cybersecurity, the prevalent scenario is indeed alarming; the following numbers corroborate the same- It seems that individuals and organizations are likely to get affected by ransomware attacks even in 2023 and beyond.

GuLoader - a highly effective and versatile malware that can evade detection

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author. AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. This blog was jointly authored with Arjun Patel. GuLoader is a malware downloader that is primarily used for distributing other shellcode and malware such as ransomware and banking Trojans.

Nearly 50% of healthcare organizations suffer from data breaches

The findings from a recent Gartner Peer Insights survey- Cybersecurity in the Healthcare Industry- show that nearly half of participating healthcare organizations have experienced a data breach in the past two years. As the number of connected and unmanaged devices increases, threats targeting IoT, IoMT and OT devices can undermine patients' confidence in the ability of healthcare organizations, and the industry as a whole, to deliver high-quality care and protect their safety.

Product Update: Driving License Verification API

It is common in India to ask for a driving licence for proof of identification be it for renting a house or giving away a bride, it is the longest-standing ID for Indians after Voter’s ID. By using a digital driving license verification solution, checking driving licence numbers can be done remotely, and only verified customers or users can be allowed access to digital platforms, online services, and secure shared economy services like renting a car or booking a hotel online.

Q4 2022 Threat Landscape Report: Tech and Manufacturing Targeted as Ransomware Peaks for 2022

In a year where headlines were dominated by the global economic and geopolitical uncertainty around Russia’s war on Ukraine, 2022 saw a threat landscape that was both volatile and fragmented, largely due to the war. As the year drew to an end, ransomware hit a peak, primarily due to the rise in attacks impacting the manufacturing, health care, technology and telecommunications industries.

How Organizations Can Improve Their Cloud Security

When Arctic Wolf surveyed over 900 decision makers across the globe, an area of cybersecurity that kept reappearing in responses was cloud security. Last year, cloud adoption rate was at 99% but only 19% of those organizations were implementing cloud security posture management (CSPM) solutions. As cloud-originated breaches increase, it’s no surprise then that cloud concerns are also rising.