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Honeypots and Their Role in Detecting Pass-the-Hash Attacks

Deception technology is a cybersecurity strategy that utilizes decoys to gather information about current threats and attack methodologies used by cybercriminals. The premise of this approach is to offer some sort of bait in your network, such as a fake database that looks like a legitimate one, that attackers will find too enticing to pass up.

Detecting Advanced Process Tampering Tactics with Sysmon v13

Sysmon is a component of Microsoft’s Sysinternals Suite, a comprehensive set of tools for monitoring, managing and troubleshooting Windows operating systems. Version 13 of Sysmon introduced monitoring for two advanced malware tactics: process hollowing and herpaderping. This article explains what these tactics are, why they are so dangerous and how you can now detect them using Sysmon.

Introducing the Argo Security Management Platform

At CISO Global, we’ve been using a platform with clients for several years to help them manage their security programs. So, maybe “introducing” isn’t really the right word. Built out of our own need for something we couldn’t find on the market, Argo Security Management helps security program managers do what they do every day, only better and faster.

ChatGPT, the new rubber duck

Whether you are new to the world of IT or an experienced developer, you may have heard of the debugging concept of the 'programmer's rubber duck’. For the uninitiated, the basic concept is that by speaking to an inanimate object (e.g., a rubber duck) and explaining one’s code or the problem you are facing as if you were teaching it, you can solve whatever roadblock you’ve hit.

Audit and Compliance with Calico

In this blog post, I will be talking about audit and compliance and how to implement it with Calico. Most IT organizations are asked to meet some standard of compliance, whether internal or industry-specific. However organizations are not always provided with the guidance to implement it. Furthermore, when guidance has been provided, it is usually applicable to a more traditional and static environment and doesn’t address the dynamic nature of Kubernetes.

Falcon Insight for ChromeOS: The Industry's First Native XDR Offering for ChromeOS

In recent years, ChromeOS device usage among businesses has seen a significant uptick, particularly in its adoption across verticals, from schools to large enterprises. According to recent IDC research, 16% of North American organizations have ChromeOS devices1 and the percentage is only expected to increase. The success of ChromeOS devices like Chromebooks can be attributed to built-in security, simple management and premium performance.

Uncover the CVE shocking truth - image vulnerabilities exposed and prioritized

Scanning containers’ images is not enough, pinpointing the CVEs that impact your security posture is key. Public images are a key component of the cloud-native ecosystem. Also known as container images, they are pre-built and publicly available software packages that contain all the necessary dependencies and configurations for an application to run in a containerized environment.

Why Do I Need a Password Manager if I Have iCloud Keychain?

If you use iCloud Keychain, you should switch to a dedicated password manager because it has superior security and more features to help you streamline password and data management. Password managers are cross-functional, allow you to securely share passwords, provide you with the ability to store more than just passwords and have secure add-ons available to further protect yourself. Continue reading to learn why you should use a password manager if you’re currently using iCloud Keychain.